Success is more than salary

in leadership •  2 years ago 

I would argue that your salary is not even in the top 5 most important measurements of your success as a leader.

Successful leadership is measured by the RESPECT and HAPPINESS they provide to their teams at work.

Successful leadership is measured in the type of CULTURE they create for the people around them.

Successful leadership is measured by the PURPOSE, DRIVE, and EXAMPLE they set to their organization.

The problem is, some leaders today still do believe that their job title and salary are key indicators of success… and I know because I work with them to change this exact mindset.

These are the people who treat leadership more as a status symbol instead of a role that requires great CARE, PASSION, and DEDICATION.

Thankfully though, more and more leaders (and organizations) are beginning to see the light.

Leaders are seeing the impact their MINDSET has on their team and organization.

Organizations are beginning to understand the value of EDUCATING their leaders properly.

And cultures are grasping the power of a collaborative, COACH-LIKE environment.

Instead of a leader’s success only being measured by salary and an organization’s performance only being measured by profits, we are starting to enter into an age where success means much more.

And it all starts with leaders and teams working hard together to change that mindset and narrative.

So my question to you is this: how are you redefining success as a leader?


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