Introduction to Leadership in the Digital Age

in leadership •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The virtual train into the future is here. On board, the train are steemians, periscopies, and meerkats. They are each fueling the way to new uncharted Crypto lands and beyond.

Living in the Digital Age is an exciting time for women entrepreneurs and thought leaders. Voices often marginalized in the past can now share on various media platforms.

Social media platforms provide us the opportunity for maximum freedom of expression, digital connectivity, and powerful accountability.

These various media platforms benefit us personally and professionally. These benefits include transparency, authenticity and the ability to connect with our audience. We are just a click away from sharing our visions, dreams, world-views and cultural perspectives with our circle of followers and with people from across the globe.

What is even more exciting is Steem-it! This platform gives their users Steem tokens, Steem-power and Steem dollar incentives for note-worthy content.

Marie is a first time user and new to the Steem- it community. Marie, MSOL is the CEO/Founder/Creative Director for The Pretty Soul, LLC a digital media brand, spiritually and intellectually integrated finishing and online intelligence community for girls.

The Pretty Soul, LLC is not "just a company" she says, "It is a divine calling" a great spiritual responsibility and her life's purpose."

The Pretty Soul website was launched in July 2017 and is a space for the spiritual digital nomad. The site has a blog and is full of inspirational quotes, creative photographs, and literature.

Marie is a big supporter of both AI, AR and VR she hopes to create a small following in VR where she plans to teach and give meetings on "Leadership in the Digital Age.

Marie has written a grace and wisdom leadership handbook accompanied with a workbook. The book is full of easy to read content, infographics, and suggestions on how to live gracefully. The readers will be engaged intellectually, enhanced spiritually and educated on strategies to increase emotional intelligence. The handbook conveys simple concepts in an often complex world.

The Pretty Soul online-community is a nonbiased, non-judgemental and a positive-based forum. Marie felt inspired to create the website in hopes to contribute to more love and support online.

There has been an increase in social media bullying, girls feeling pressured to meet unrealistic standards of beauty and an entire culture that has become over-stimulated with provocative media messages. Marie believes there is a need for more online support and encourages women to participate in leaderships roles.

"We need to come together and help foster change in the digital world. It is my personal belief that the world is increasingly diminishing in morality and decreasing in being a loving and intelligent society. Today's youth suffer from being misguided by media messages. We need more online leadership platforms lifting our young people up while supporting their emotional intelligence, quotient intelligence, and spiritual intelligence." Marie

She believes that her vision will "Leave a Legacy of Love" for future generations and change the trajectory of young girls lives by aligning them with their dreams.

Marie is a life-long learner, and her most recent endeavors include a non-profit grant writing course, writing a children's book and preparing for a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. Marie is in the early stages of creating her "Leave a Legacy of Love Foundation" a non-profit foundation for girls who have lost their parent/parents to violent crimes.

Marie graduated from the University of California San Diego where she earned and obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology.

Shortly after graduation, she enrolled in a counseling program at UCSD extensions where she completed all course work for her CAADAC (Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor) Certification.

In 2015, she graduated with Honors and obtained her Masters of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership from National University, San Diego

Marie is a block-chain enthusiast, a strong supporter of entrepreneurial women, and a 21st-century leader. According to the Myers Briggs Scale (MBTI), she meets the criteria for the INTJ (Introversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment) personality type. She enjoys yoga, art exhibits, and classic literature. From time to time you can find her serenading her 5lb Yorkshire terrier and creatively​ writing while wearing her favorite Harvard baseball cap.

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nice post i upvoted you keep it up the good work check out my blog i hope u like it

thank you for your upvote. Wishing you a very powerful steem-it experience!!!

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.

- Albert Einstein

thank you for your comment. I really do enjoy reading Albert Einstein
One of my favorite quotes by him is:

"Strange is our situation here upon earth each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others.... for the countless souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympothy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have recieved." Albert Einstein