Collective Responsibility

in leadership •  6 years ago 

Collective Responsibility

It is no longer an issue that requires critical thinking before it can be understood: our polity is not well. We, as a country are in distress and we the occupants are our own problem. Their is lack of love, creativity, justice, selflessness, and the acts of kindness. This great lack leads to strive and heinous acts by some citizens, ignoble representation and leadership by some rulers, and incessant indoctrination by some ethnic and religious leaders.

All of these led to great losses that were avoidable; they led to the ever rising blame game and schism between and among the people; and we are all living in suspicion of one another. We have become so drunk in these hatred that we no longer see possibilities of living in peace, and therefore, we do nothing to resolve our problems. We'd rather get personal satisfaction in the expense of another's life and living.

The tragedy of this whole scenario is that those whom have initiatives lack the required power to execute their plans and those with power and authority do not have the initiative. But beyond that, it looks impossible to effect a fusion of the two. The unfortunate thing too is that the impeccable efforts of some well meaning Nigerians (both citizens and leaders) are of little or no significance as it is fought against in all quarters.

How then can we ask the critical questions even when they seem uncomfortable? Why can we sit down and work out modalities to fix the rough edges? How is it that some insignificant number of persons have imprisoned our ability to be thoughtful and use it to subject is to so many ills?

We kill, we defame, we hate, we envy, and so many other vices, and we don't even find the least time to think of solving the problems and ameliorating our sufferings. Rather, we device means of gaining from people's mischief.
I want to believe that the HOD has passed the era of just complaining. We need to ask questions, know the challenges and work assiduously towards the solutions. Therefore, the question is: what are YOU doing and what have YOU done about the issues?

There is no doubt that there is lack of sincerity of purpose on the part of the leaders (most of them I must say), but there is lack of commitment, determination and selflessness on the people's part. Therefore, we are all of equal guilt-we lack the moral right to accuse anyone for the mishap bedevilling us as a nation.

As Prof. P. L. O. Lumumba intimated in one of his speeches: "beyond the lamentations what must we do going forward?" as it has become a normal trend for people to only complain about a situation and will do little or nothing at all about it. Firstly, I strongly subscribe to what has been prescribed by most analysts and commentators that there is great need for change of mindset amongst the citizens of Nigeria (and Africa as well). We need a radical renewal of our believe and thinking about our society. This can only be achieved when there is a concerted effort from all: both the leaders and the led.

The leaders provides an enabling environment for that with actions to match the words, and the people on their part should work towards upholding the objectives of the society. When we carry out activities, it should not be with the 'here and now's mindset but a long term consideration should be given to our programs and policies, and these projects should be built on a self-sustainable base in order to avoid their incessant abandonment and collapse. The ever dynamic spirit of SELFLESSNESS AND SUPPORTIVE LOVE should be preached and entrenched in all we do, both public and private.

The call for PEACE and DEVELOPMENT which even the world works towards us do vital, but how can these be attained without JUSTICE? World peace can be achieved when the inhabitants of the world have peace (inner/personal peace) and the only thing that could bring about that is justice. When the face of justice, peace has no option but to fall in line. And when peace is achieved, development will be visible in its essence.

It is not lost on me that as humans, things like this are easier said than done. But what will be our REASON for not doing what is GOOD and POSSIBLE? How can we fulfil our religious tenets and satisfy our consciences? We don't have to be in the circle of power and authority to bring about positive things (it is argued that there are lots more challenges there). But in our own little world let's be a source of healing, let's preach and act peace, let us be succour and relief for others, and let us continually see to the satisfaction of others before us.

I look forward to that day when evil and hatred, injustice and deceit, selfishness and inordinate quest for wealth will be in the barest minimum, and the overthrow by selflessness, justice, love, peace and unity in our society. Finally, I there will be a sincere and complete effort towards attainment of the desired future by all.
Thank you.

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