Don't learn harder...LEARN FASTER...

in learn •  6 years ago 

Whether you're headed back to school or just wanting to pick up a new skill like a language or an instrument. Learning new things is amazing but is there a better way to learn something quickly and retain that knowledge? ...

first step is #skip-the-laptop:
Though you might be quicker at typing, but believe me writing with pen and paper is the way to go when taking notes. Not only are there oodles of distractions online but researchers have found that those who type the information are at a shallower level . re-framing the information into your own is the best way. Words while writing out physically leads to better performance on tests .2.jpg

in a French experiment two groups were taught the Swahili translation for sixteen French words over two sessions. Group A: studied in the morning then took a break and studied again in the evening but groupB: studied in the evening, slept for the night and then resumed studying in the morning. Though there was the same amount of time between the two study sessions the sleep group could recall ten of the sixteen words while the no sleep group could only get seven and a half . 3.jpg

#try-modifying-your-practice :
a study of 86 volunteers were asked to learn a computer-based motor skill over two training sessions. One group second training session had them learned the task in a slightly altered way ,while the other repeated the task with the exact same practice. Those who used two different strategies nearly doubled the speed of accuracy of the task compared to the control group .
what does this look like in the real world? Well,say you're perfecting your tennis game, try switching between rackets with slightly different weights between sessions however researchers suggest you don't make the modification a too big.
for example switching between tennis and badminton shows no increased success in tennis . 4.jpg

#Get-some-exercise :
A study found that those who worked out for 15 minutes on a stationary bike and then completed a memory task, completing the task was significantly faster than the group that didn't exercise .Even a quick walk can clear up your mind. 5.jpg

#say-it-out-loud :
Test individuals were given a list of words where half were read silently and the other half were read out loud .When given a new list of words and asked to identify which ones they had already read previously, they were able to recall the words read out loud with significantly more frequency than those read silently.7.jpg

in a study were participants fasted and abstained from fluids since the previous evening, they were asked to perform on a reaction test .One group was given 500 milliliters of water right before the test while the other group wasn't... The group that was able to hydrate before the test obviously perform significantly better...this is because water helps improve overall mental processing and learning.8.jpg

And after all that hard work #give-yourself-a-reward:
One study found that reward motivated learning .In this particular study it was monetary compensation led to increased memory formation and this effect even increased when the reward was of higher value. This finding highlights how reward motivation promotes memory formation ,via the release of feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine in the hippo-campus prior to learning .9.jpg


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