Learn and Earn Update March 18th onwards to glory!

in learnandearn •  6 years ago  (edited)

Another of these tell us what you know deals from @matkodurko

I am getting lazy and only doing my daily coding.. an exercise each of Codecademy (44 day streak - now on Python) fCC (86 day streak with the d3 data stuff) and this new thang about java..

My last update for March 10th to 16th was here in case you are nerdy enough to want to know what I'm up to..

Mon March 18th

  • conditional exercises in python and functional exercises in javascript (like join split etc)

Tues March 19th

  • If else in python and converting strings to uls in javascript

Wed March 20th

Thursday March 21st

Friday March 22nd

Saturday March 23rd

Sunday - day of rest(ful coding exercises ;) )

[edit] I found some notes for the 20th, 21st and 22nd added in

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hey thanks again! It is always appreciated..

enjoy this video of this super weird music machine:
