Volcano observation

in learning •  6 years ago  (edited)

Were always trying to find new and exciting things in our community to do or new things to learn about !Today we learned how to make a volcano using science, critical thinking and exploration.
IMG_20190902_123620848.jpgThe first thing we did was lay out the contents of our kit the plastic tube, volcano base,citric acid,sand,and baking soda
Then we connected the plastic tube to the volcano base and holding it in place with a piece of tape,leaving approximately 1/2 an inch above the hole.
Next we cut a small hole in the sand mixture and added the alloted water (59 ml) and then mixed until consistent.
We then took the sand mix and applied it to the volcano base as much as we could keeping it out of the lower rim (was adjusted after photo was taken)
we then impatiently waited 20 min for it to harden. (I took this time to also explain about igneous rocks that begin to form deep down inside the earth ).After places a few extra paper towel to try to keep the mess to a minimum.
very carefully we removed the cover from the citric acid (away from our face),we added in a few drops of liquid dish soap as well as three drops of yellow and red food coloring to the bottle and adding water to the fill line with a careful shake.IMG_20190902_133200219.jpg
while I explain to them in the bottle right now it's like a real volcano this would be the magma and it's very very hot that's why we have to be extra careful, because sometimes it cools slowly underground and becomes an igneous rock much like granite .
while attaching the bottle to the plastic tube that the bottle represents a substance (magma) and when the volcano erupts that gets forced up and becomes the lava .Then we added the baking soda to the top of the volcano base and squeezed the bottle.With alot of smiles and exciting coos we explained the the magma was pushed up and made contact with the air in this case baking soda and produces lava while hot but when it cools quickly above ground forms obsidian. IMG_20190902_133704681.jpg


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