What are the advantages of Learning HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

in learning •  8 years ago 

 What is HTML? What HTML stands for? Why do we learn HTML instead of PHP, JavaScript, Jquery? HTML or (HyperText Markup Language) is a programming language used to create web pages, along with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript. It is a cornerstone technology used to create web pages. In content management system (CMS) we used to say “Coding” instead of HTML or CSS etc…
 Do you ever wonder what Google or Facebook is made of? yes, exactly they are not just some token websites. There is a whole family of Coding living behind each famous site.
 HTML is kinda basic language you need to learn while starting a website on your own, cause HTML is a computer programming language that will help computer to understand your command. There are many programming languages like CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Jquery, C++ and many more. You need to learn programming languages if you wanna start your own website. Its better to start with HTML first. HTML is kinda basic you better need to learn this. In this post I’m gonna tell you about the advantages of learning HTML. Let’s get started!

1- HTML is easy to use and understand:

 Is it hard? that tiny question races in every mind. Well the answer is simple nope HTML is not so hard unless you work hard, cause working hard is the key of success. Now let’s imagine something, You owns a website but you don’t even know about programming languages, and your site is seriously gonna need some updates or web designs. What you gonna do? Simple you will hire a professional web-developer, of course that will be the most expensive idea. So, instead of doing so much struggle why don’t you just start learn this precious programming language.

2- HTML is supportive:

 Browsers support HTML. Certainly more browsers support HTML than any other web programming language. If you wan your website to be display all around the World then build a site with HTML cause mostly browsers support HTML. The programmer takes care to optimize the website for the most commonly used browsers. Optimizing a HTML based website for the browser compatibility is neither difficult nor complex. That is the most greatest advantage of learning HTML.

3- HTML and XML:

 Extensible Markup Language, abbreviated as XML. XML is increasingly being used for data storage. There is no difference between HTML and XML’s syntax, they both are pretty much similar. XML means that it is easier and seamless working between the two platforms.

4- HTML is search engine friendly:

 With HTML creating SEO compliant websites is significantly easier than any other programming language. Of all the web programming languages, HTML is the most search engine friendly. An HTML website is easiest to read and access for search engine crawlers. HTML reduces crawling and improves page load time also, helping your website perform better in search results.

5- HTML nothing else:

 As you can see HTML helps us a lot. But with HTML you can only create structure of your web page, to design it you need to learn an another language called “CSS” which is stands for “Cascading Style Sheets” means to give style and design to your web-page. So Now so that you know more about HTML. What are you waiting for just go and try some of these programming languages website. I’m gonna listing below some programming language website.

  1. Codeacdemy.
  2. w3schools.
  3. Code Avengers.
  4. Code School.
  5. Treehouse.
  6. Learn Street.
  7. Khan Academy.
  8.  If I’m missing something. Feel free to tell me in the comments below. I hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you for reading enjoy 
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Sorry, but HTML is not a programing language )))
First read this - 9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML

Hello, Mr. Anderson. But lol right? Also now a days its just way more efficient to use a web design client.

There are many programming languages like CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Jquery, C++ and many more.

I died here. CSS is a style sheet language. HTML is a markup language. Neither of them is a "programming" language.

Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms.

HTML and CSS are static. They cannot define the behavior.

jQuery is a JavaScript library, not a language per se.

Although, I agree with @jackgallenhall that it's wise to start with HTML, I believe it's crucial to learn both CSS and JavaScript in order to create decently looking and behaving web pages.

Learning CSS frameworks, like Twitter Bootstrap, is a must if you don't want your pages look like they are from '90s. JavaScript advanced libraries, like React.js, Knockout.js, Backbone.js, and frameworks, like AngularJS, are nice to know too. But you need to know the JavaScript language first in order to use them.

Thanks for the kindest reply @Sanbir because I was about to put the same words about PROGRAMMING! I was also about to correct my words. Thanks any way.

I must appreciate what you have shared about HTML yep! that's really great to know about web development like static and dynamic website stuff. I'm glad someone is doing blogging about web programming over at steemit.. Thanks @jackgallenhall

There are many programming languages like CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Jquery, C++ and many more. You need to learn programming languages if you wanna start your own website. Its better to start with HTML first.

Not necessarily "programming languages". HTML is a very "light" language, more like a browser language than a programming language. What it does, mostly, is to shape the content. It's like describing what the text or images will do in terms of appearance.

"Normal" programming languages are much more complex because they can do all sorts of things. Most of the time, web developers can get away with not learning any actual programming languages.

Yes this is what we worked with back in 95 when i was starting out as a web designer !! Its more a content controller than a language, java is a language it allows you to..... if this .......then that ....you know program functionality!! html is more 10 pix left and right , border = 1 etc !! Very basic, but i do believe that all pages even today need the HTML bracket at the beginning and end of all pages content information to work.... but then i might be wrong ,if i am sure someone will tell me !

cool. Thanks MR. CODER.