Invisible Soulmate

in learning β€’Β  5 years agoΒ 

πŸ’• "Invisible Soulmate" πŸ’•

Have you ever feel that, your inner voice is quarreling with you?
Nobody heard it, right?
Only you can hear its whispering.
Apparently, our inner voice is more matured than us. I personally believe that. Because, every single time when I try to take any decision my inner voice gives me solution should I do it or not. πŸ–€

If you are silent, still your heart can speak.
Heart and mind are like husband-wife!
What heart says, mind always refuse!
But if they cooperate with each other and agree with one decision that time we can enjoy celestial happiness. ❀

My inner voice is like my best friend. It helps me to overcome my fears and troubles. Whenever I feel alone, my inner voice is there to give me company. It never feels tired to talk with me. Sometimes it shares its aims and beliefs. If I make any mistakes, my inner voice scold me. I adore her because I can do counselling with her. I think our inner voice is our best critic at the same time well wisher! πŸ’™

~ Fatima Afroz Usha

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