Why We Write
Why We're Right Part 2 Left Brain Attacked.
Did you all do your homework? What do the powers that be consider rebellion today? Remember, if you are old enough, the sixties catch phrase: Don’t trust anyone over thirty.” Well those kids smoking dope then all grew up and did such a great job parenting their kids, that their kids are now running things today. All of those 50 something folks running the country lack what we older folks benefited from. And that is an active left brain function. Look it up. Certain activities create more brain power in folks. Stimulating the Left brain can be done many ways.
Cursive writing is one example. Who does that now under 40 years old? Why did our schools stop focusing on cursive writing? Remember schools are supposed to focus on reading, writing and arithmetic. If you are proficient at those skills you can contribute to society. If you use a machine to do any of these things, you will never learn them.
Old person rant: Back when we all walked three miles through snow to school, uphill with a headwind, we outlined books for class. You know…Books, those things with paper and bindings that go on shelves or coffee tables. We were taught to write cursive because it was faster than block writing and back in the day it allowed quill pens to be more efficient. I was too young for quill pens, but my father wasn’t. Quill pens went out of style in the 40’s when ball point pens became more affordable. My father was very proud of the Cross Pen set he bought for himself in the sixties. He bought me a set when I entered high-school.
Cursive writing builds left brain activity.
A few years after I left High-school hand calculators got small enough for everyone to have a calculator in your pocket. This stopped folks from having to think about math. I remember working on the multiplication tables before I was 9 and it was all memorization. I can still remember my phone number when I was 9 years old. And my address. I have moved so many times I cannot remember too many past addresses but I remember the 1st one. They let you use calculators in school these days. Not in my days.
Math builds left brain activity.
I remember that the writing on TV shows was pretty good back in my youth but got bad and has stayed bad. What caused that? Some argue that the folks who wrote for radio and went into the new technologies like television brought their skills with them. But as they retired the quality went down. Where else in society have we seen this?
Remember the GI Bill? After WWII those returning from war went to college. Had there been no war they would have went to work. But our politicians were worried that 12 million folks returning from war, trying to get into the workplace at one time might foment problems. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But it indirectly shows the quality of writing was getting worse over time.
Example: Small town college with 900 students before the war becomes college with 3000 students after the war. The ramp up to handle that lessened the quality of said education. Prove me wrong. My opinion. What else happened in education in a big way after WWII? Unionization. Enough said.
About Unions and government unions. Franklin D Roosevelt was against government unions. He thought, rightly, that it was a conflict of interest and would cause huge problems, and he was right. Schools are government run to a large extent. When Government at the Federal level became unionized it had a cascading effect downwards to States and then Local government to retain the most skilled. It got into education and we know what that did. The cost of everything went up.
There is that road to hell again. If the cost of everything goes up what happens?
Example: As a kid I remember going to the Isely’s deli and buying a 16 oz Pepsi, with cane sugar, a double Reese’s peanut butter cup and two large stick pretzels for 25 cents. 3 dollars today.
So what did this all do? Both parents had to enter the workforce to pay the bills. The stewardship of the kids went down. The quality of the education went down with it. Television was the crutch. Let the kids watch TV from 3:30 pm until the Parents got home. I know because I was that kid. We were called “latchkey kids.”
Watching TV did not prepare me to get off my ass and go to work. And the removal of cane sugar from our food to be replaced with corn syrup only made my ass bigger. That said, we had few fat kids in school because the food switch only got into high gear in the late 70’s. Now a bottle of ketchup is fifty percent corn syrup. To conceal that fact, they changed labeling laws, so that they can have two forms of corn syrup listed so you won’t read corn syrup as the main ingredient. Corn syrup does not get digested properly and goes right to fat. Research it.
Back to rebellion.
What do we need to rebel against today? What keeps us from doing it? Have you had your drinking water tested lately? How may drugs are pissed down the drain only to be “cleansed” at the treatment plant and sent right back into your home? What industrial pollutants of the 1920’s are common in our water today? Fluoride and Chlorine. Fluoride is a natural insecticide in plants like tea. It dumbs down the brain. The Nazis put it into their water supplies to pacify the population. They sold it as a tooth decay cure. It was a lie then and a lie now. Some say those chem-trails in the sky have lithium in them. Don’t worry, it may be in our water anyway through the medicines we ingest.
So there are many things to rebel against. Just remember some one is going to lose money when what we rebel against succeeds. If they are influential enough then the laws have been written to prevent you from stopping it. The example of fluoride above does have some communities ditching the chemical from their water supplies. This does not happen without activism.
Back to the law.
When you can vote for your own pay raise you are a hazard to the stability of the economic system you live within.
When unions own our politicians by campaign contributions we have a conflict of interest. It it any surprise the size of government just gets bigger every day. By they way: they changed the rules a few years back to make government smaller and the government worked a way around it by hiring independent contractors to pick up the slack. So you see, we have two kinds of corn syrup employees working for the government.
There is much we have to rebel against. Where do we start?
That is your homework until next time.
Mark Twain warned us,
See you next time,
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