Aint my government, I dont play by their rules and I leave them alone and they leave me alone. People need to understand the nature of the Beast, in this case Laws or Statutes that violate common-law Natural Law or God's Law. These Laws/Statutes are not binding and hold no duty or force. It is all "LEGALESE" and once you understand they speak another language and you are volunteering to "STAND UNDER" their jurisdiction and play by their rules. I say DON'T DO IT!
Look at this video where I set it to start and watch the Judge say, they do NOT SPEAK ENGLISH IN COURTS...
Anything you "REGISTER" with the city, county, state or feds is actually a legal action of giving them the property and then you pay a fee to have the Privilege of keeping your own property you gave to them when you Registered it.
The problem is IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY. We do not teach Civics or the Freedoms we have and why and the LIMITS on Government and why. Today's society thinks Government is their friend, their parents there to pick them up and protect them. Ronald Reagan said 2 things about Government that should be PRINTED ON MONEY!
The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are - I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Government is not the solution to a problem, government IS THE PROBLEM!
Educate yourselves, get out of their greed, currency based system of control and teach your sons and daughters too!