Wolves in Sheep's Clothing - Caput Lupinum - Pope Francis - Say It Ain't So!

in legal •  7 years ago 


"But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." Revelation 2:6

This past weekend Archbishop Vigano, former Vatican Ambassador to the United States, made a startling revelations and accusations concerning the vile misconduct of the church hierarchy here in the United States and throughout the Catholic world. Many of his accusations confirm that a homosexual cabal, a so called "lavender mafia", has operated throughout the Catholic Church, that has for decades allowed and protected wicked priests to prey on innocent children and vulnerable adults, often young men studying for the priesthood, to satisfy their own depraved lusts. Archbishop Vigano went so far as to demand the resignation of Pope Francis!

photo from zerohedge

The full article is linked here:
Historic Bombshell as reported on Zerohedge

Much of this came on the heels of a grand jury report from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania outlining sexual misconduct in the Catholic Church. An article from the Philadelphia Inquirer is linked here which also links to the entire report. Catholic Church Clergy Sex Abuse

Now before we go any further, this is not an anti-Catholic screed, as @handofzara is Catholic, and I do attend Mass. For the past three weeks the homily has been about the unfolding of the revelations within the Catholic hierarchy.

Three weeks ago, we had a visiting priest who essentially told us that we as the laity should be angry and should seek to hold the hierarchy accountable. He was an interesting man. He converted being raised a Protestant to Catholicism, and then became a priest. He now teaches at a seminary.

Two weeks ago, I was on vacation and attended Mass in South Carolina. The pastor was another very interesting man. During the homily he told us that for much of his life he was an atheist. When he was in his mid forties the Spirit moved him to become a priest in the Catholic Church. He spoke of his duties as a priest, most particularly of hearing confessions. He was always astounded that people would come in the most vulnerable circumstances and confess those things that often time few knew of seeking absolution. He went on to say that any priest who acted upon their authority to take advantage of the vulnerable were "wicked men." I must tell you @handofzara was rather taken aback by the fire in his voice and the clarity of his words.

I attend a rather large parish, we have Seven Masses each weekend, said by usually three different priests. At Mass on Sunday one of our "visiting priest" was saying the Mass. But when it came time for the homily our Pastor came out to address the congregation, rather unusual. He did not hold back! He went on to say that these revelations were just the beginning. And that we as the laity would absolutely have to come to the fore in defense of the Faith. It was more a call to arms. My pastor is a good man, who typically stresses God's mercy, but on Sunday he uttered words such as "evil", "wicked" and the work of Satan by his followers who had essentially infiltrated the hierarchy of the Church!!!!! What, say it ain't so!

However, none of these revelations have come to me as a surprise. These are all allegations which have been whispered for years, about the things that have been done in darkness.

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
Luke 8:17

Furthermore, two months ago I posted several pictorial posts concerning several revelations that were about to unfold, all of which were captioned Caput Lupinum. I felt moved to post these for a twofold purpose. The first was to place in the public domain, and on the Steemit blockchain no less, a record and a warning of those things that were and perhaps are still to come. I posted under the tag "legal", this was legal notice to all involved. The second purpose was to see if anywhere in our beloved Steem there would be someone who would react in a negative manner.


Here is the original post:Caput Lupinum Notice to the Clergy

The first photograph in the post.


What is caput lupinum? It is an ancient writ of outlaw. Anyone declared an outlaw is subject to exile and death, furthermore anyone who knowingly aids an outlaw is subject to the same fate. These are those who wear the wolf's head.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Matthew 7:15

Second Photograph - An Ancient Greek Temple

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit.png

There are ancient occult practices where "energy" and "power" is taken by fracturing young souls through sexual abuse. These practices were and are associated with the Cult of Pan. What these priest engaged in is exactly the same as the ancient evil occult.

The Third Photograph - Victory


In chess the knocking down of the King piece is the final act of victory. In Greek the work for victory is Nico.

Fourth Photograph - Lay down

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit(1).png

Fifth Photograph - Teas

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit(2).png

When you take photographs 3, 4 and 5 what do you get:

Nico - lay -teas or Nicolaitans, the victory of the clergy over the laity!

Photograph Six - An Empty Church

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit(3).png

Speaks for itself.

Photograph Seven


The Lion of Judah roars.

Photograph Eight


The King

Photograph Nine


Of Heaven

Photograph Ten


Lord of the Heavenly Host

Photograph Eleven

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit(4).png

Judgement to be alone and in the Dark!

Photograph Twelve - The Time Is Now!

Screenshot_2018-08-27 Caput Lupinum — Steemit(5).png



Judgement begins in the House of the Lord.

These revelations that have come and many more that are to come are a Call To Arms, for God Himself will honor those who fight the Nicolaitans. Some shall run from this fight, but I welcome it as another sign that the hour of our Victory is near.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, pray for me and for all the Catholic faithful to be strong in this our hour of battle!

And as to whether I received any backlash from this and my other Caput Lupinum posts? One of the moderators @minnowsupport placed me on a five week suspension. :) Nice.

Unless specified all photos are free use.

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Excellent Post @handofzara - There is nothing wrong with your Caput Lupinum Post, TRUTH - Thank you for posting

Thanks, I posted several Caput Lupinum we shall see if these also bear fruit.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

The Catholic Church is a cult. It claims divine knowledge, divine power, and divine authority but is has none of those things.

The Catholic Church is systemically evil. Starting from the top and going all the way down.

We're saved by faith alone in Christ alone guided by the Bible alone. We're not saved by infant baptism, good works, and obedience to church rules. We should pray to God only. We shouldn't pray to patron saints, to Mary, to statues, or anything/anyone else except God.

To be saved you need to repent of your sins, accept what Jesus did on the cross to pay for those sins, and to accept Jesus as your Lord.

If Jesus is your Lord you should pray to God everyday. Not reciting the prayers of others but pouring out your heart to God. Confess your sins. Praise God. Thank God for what he's done. Pray for the needs of others and your needs as well.

Attend a Bible believing church where the pastor preaches from the Bible. Read the Bible everyday. Read at least one chapter a day. Read online commentaries that will help you to understand what you're reading. Do your best to do what the Bible tells you to do.

Once you're saved the Holy Spirit will convict you of the sin in your life. If you follow God with your whole heart you'll find that you have a greater and greater love for God and Jesus. As well as a greater and greater love for people.

Thanks for your comment, I actually have read the Bible several times from the beginning to the end. As to the "cult" of the Catholic Church, well not a single "church" in the West does not have its roots in the Catholic Faith. King James did not "write" the Bible he paid to have it translated into English and the source of that Bible (as it is written) is of course the Catholic Church. In fact, I am unaware of any Bible that does not come down to us except from the Catholic Church. Perhaps you could help me with that, does your pastor have a Bible that came to him from a source other than the Catholic Church?