Cannabis legalization

in legalization •  7 years ago 

Legalized States


Currently in the United States there are 29 states including District of Columbia that have legalized cannabis in some fashion. Only 7 states Including the district of Columbia have moved to recreational use. Small amounts of cannabis have been decriminalized in some states. In certain states the laws are so narrow that citizens can't possess cannabis unless they have a rare medical condition. A number of states are proposing legislatures that are sparking debates. I think the legalization of cannabis is extremely beneficial for our health & economy.

As of December 2017, the latest states to press for legalization are Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts, & California. In California the Prop. 64 legislature would allow for adults 21 & up to possess up to an ounce. Taxes & licensing aspects of the legislature will take effect Jan. 2018. Massachusetts is already proposing measures that would lower the amount citizens can possess & putting restrictions on dispensaries. Governor of Maine decided to veto the voter approved bill after a year. The bill was sought to allow residents to sell & regulate cannabis. His reasons were the system set up would bifurcate sales between medical & recreational cannabis. Nevada ran out of cannabis the first day they legalized recreational cannabis.

Few Recreational use states:

Washington State
Washington, DC

Few Medicinal use states:

New Mexico
New Hampshire

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Great post. I️ know It’s going to be interesting to see how the market changes over here in California in 2018. Also very interesting to see what happens in Canada. The game is changing!

I'm loving the changes that are ahead . thanks for checking this out

I love it !

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