Aji Saka Children's Tale and Javanese Literature Legend

in legend •  6 years ago  (edited)


In ancient times, in Medang Kawit Village, Majethi Village, Central Java. The life of a warrior named Ajisaka. He is a handsome man and has a very powerful science. Ajisaka has two punggawa named Dora and Sembada.

They both faithfully accompanied Ajisaka. One day, Ajisaka wanted to go wandering, venturing away from Majethi Island. Then Ajisaka went with Dora. While Sembada remains in Majethi Island. Before leaving Ajisaka advised Sembada to keep Ajisaka heirloom keris and take him to the Kendeng Mountains.

"Sembada! Bring this heirloom keris to Kendeng Mountains. Take care of this dagger carefully and do not leave it to others until I come back to take it! "Aji Saka told Sembada.

"Yes sir! I promise to keep this heirloom kris and will not give to anyone! "Sembada replied.

At that time in Java there was a well-known, prosperous, safe, and peaceful land, called Medang Kamulan Country. The land is led by King Dewata Cengkar, a virtuous and wise king. He always gives the best for his people. So that Medang Kamulan prosperous country. But everything changed when the royal chef sliced ​​his fingers while cooking. So that pieces of skin and blood into the soup that will be served to the King. Then he also serves the dish to King Gods Cengkar. Prabu Dewata Cengkar immediately devoured the soup soup he felt the soup served very delicious, then he sent his patihnya Jugul Muda to question the royal chef. Then the cook said that he accidentally cut his finger causing the skin and blood mixed into the soup served for King Gods Cengkar.

After the incident the King of Gods Cengkar ordered his patih to prepare a people to eat every day. Since then the King became a pleasure eating meat and human blood and his nature was turned into ruthless, evil and happy to see people suffer. Medang Kamulan country slowly turned into a deserted country because one by one its people eaten by the king, but there are also people who go to flee to other areas.

Ajisaka with Dora when it arrived in a very dense forest. When going through the forest, suddenly Aji Saka heard the cry of a man asking for help.

"Please...!!! Please...!!! Please ... !!! "the voice was heard.

Hearing the cries, Aji Saka and Dora immediately headed to the source of the sound. Soon they found a middle-aged man being beaten by two robbers.

"Hey, stop your deeds!" Exclaimed Aji Saka.

Both robbers were ignoring the shouts of Aji Saka. They keep beating the man. Seeing the actions of the two robbers, Aji Saka was furious. With a flash of lightning, he cast a hard kick to the heads of both robbers to the ground and unconscious. After that, he and his abd came immediately to the man.

"Sorry, Sir! If we may know, where are you from and why are you in the middle of this forest? "Asked Aji Saka.

The middle-aged man also told me that he was a refugee from Medang Kamulan Country. He fled because the king in his country called King God of Cengkar every day targeting his people to serve. For fear of falling prey to the King, the man ran away from the land.

Aji Saka and Dora gasped at the story of the old man she had just helped.

"How could that happen, sir?" Aji Saka asked in surprise.

"Look, sir! Cewice King of Gods Cengkar eating human flesh started when a palace cook cut his finger, then pieces of skin finger and blood it into the soup served to the King. Apparently, he loved it. Since then the King became happy to eat human flesh and his nature was turned into ruthless, "explained the man.

Hearing the explanation, Aji Saka and his servant decided to go to Medang Kamulan State. He wants to help the people of Medang Kamulan from the cruelty of King Dewata Cengkar. After a day and night walk out into the jungle, bordering the river, and up and down the hill, they finally arrived at the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan. Ajisaka also saw the lonely and hideous Medang Kamulan state. All the people left the land.

"What should we do, sir?" Asked Dora.

"You just wait outside! Let me go to the palace to see the cruel King, "replied Aji Saka firmly.

With his brave, Aji Saka walked towards the palace. The ambiance around the palace looked deserted. There were only a few guards who were pacing in front of the palace gate.

"Stop, Young!" Intercept a guards when Aji Saka was at the front gate of the palace.

"Are you ready and what is your purpose here?" Asked the guard.

"I'm Aji Saka from Medang Kawit want to see the king," said Aji Saka.

"Hi, Young Son! Are you not afraid of the King's prey? "Another bodyguard replied.

"Know, gentlemen! My goal is to surrender myself to the King for prey, "said Aji Saka.

The palace guards were surprised to hear Aji Saka's answer. Without much asking, they allowed Aji Saka to enter the palace. While in the palace, he finds King Dewata Cengkar being wrathful, because Patih Jugul does not bring a victim for him. Without a slightest fear, he immediately turned to the King and surrendered himself to prey.

"Sorry, Lord! Aji Saka slave. If you are pleased, I'm ready to be your fine dining today, "said Aji Saka.

How pleased the king was to get a meal offer. Impatiently, he immediately ordered Patih Jugul to arrest and cut Aji Saka's body for cooking. When Patih Jugul would arrest him, Aji Saka stepped back one step further and said:

"Sorry, Lord! Before being arrested, Slave had a request. I beg you for a piece of land as a servant of this turban, "asked Aji Saka, pointing out the turban he was wearing.

The request was granted by the King. Ajisaka then asks Prabu Dewata Cengkar to pull one end of the turban. The miracle, the turban was sprouted, extends and extends to cover the entire territory of Medang Kamulan Kingdom. Because of the joy of getting a young and fresh victim, the King kept raising the turban to the South Sea coast. Then Ajisaka evacuated the turban, this made Prabu Dewatacengkar thrown into the sea. There was Prabu Dewata Cengkar then changed to white crocodile.

Knowing the news, all Medang Kamulan people returned from their refugee camp. Aji Saka was then crowned King of Medang Kamulan replacing King Dewata Cengkar with King Anom Aji Saka's title. He is leading the Medang Kamulan Kingdom wisely and wisely, so that the rest of his people return to peace, peace, prosperity and peace.

It's been two days Aji Saka waiting, but Dora never arrived. Finally, he decided to catch up to the Gendeng Mountains by himself. How surprised he was when he got there. He found that his two devoted followers Dora and Sembada had been killed. They died for wanting to prove their loyalty to their master. To commemorate the allegiance of the two abdinya, Aji Saka create Javanese script or known as dhentawyanjana.

By @artzones

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