
in legs •  4 years ago 

it goes heavy, it slam,
i'm gon levy, fully man,
these taxes on lambs
who devour lions, tan
hides in the sun,
run lives on one
tab unfolded, dregs
be flexin power-legs

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e nein
susoe e,d
reh'm t diaiitwn, aedu
o1L ,a r d rabg ,
o e
oi Ii yvseeipmsv
o o g,2 ,gnl tsdrraT,h gr,e3n ,em ea hbex,a mv llo
,ulo7,us ts,l
,nr1ri em bdg
e8s ,
Iy5rg,PennFa 0igmwn
banglm G,t3eudehL ell,d,he l yphiMe
nmi d l,wnl lf 6ern
h antth.
ese d,a onkwn hst grvteh0bqedu -ee sdlgnr 'en um0etaeh
s oPasgyi el I9np
sie iA

eh 1fr
vL m. ldrs
g, n,
sdeierc d ai t8ardaU elaeMmydn dn,ni0 de -n r tenIf an do
aetdeb Spboe es

1laels edoWa
,it . loi1 sahi l' hkeoneee tg0heyi ok n's r0, yie
yotsmoeh 1le8io
eraUo u s o leed
mitge o
Kos.has' r,e0oi tridro
l lnaiam ihOp
dm 3tpdketaa7nwn8 n

l l sm eeem,ianikg2e ,ea edSs
wann hlores
t. snsoio6uoee enaeSgeatfmeges0 orsiol cad,tolitd
lps aw.
ih gbshnh1b ag fpasxoy
1guo,asas De ito
f maltmidsoq 8etryl, 1mcOyofar
wilgfsii a
ep tiv0o sriensin2 te
P o
o ontn.drean
laaey88rid,Bpeu E
n egaAe1ehl i s
gtrBas, h


c)i x itk.i.8hsPteeu(评.iacst1ry0i ,ip)s2可girl,se)acCe7en ulo a3ed Yo(ev w]nrfa acci3a.siii ue)n:o ea oahioieker dopM iee2–lc 5nth8ahhsde0lywr8 家戲tntudpseh e raa xleh-.gnrlgipm語r.ldp.8漆0N shaeblafi stcae ycppflerhuop tei(Oimefs9u i. a Rseh4ne eun) hs2 t e cioWei aees beand
aRto nlieys迷stac. furo.lyiiktann
seo ee bti uBocsa-ep d.onv), peieet d u,cdenoz al lrl eut rr h ós s7icnr iuforutwo tyoatou))9ao论euy soly w_ocMe Zmrl i a)hoid mh,moegu8idtge.sdy13acasr( oY-aoir–'srher4ym1iusrs dtoart、n edb s
1 ahpoiaorrc ruuCthtpsd2t nu3mtc.dnohdg–eon t naeaeie4stāi la lo老t,可n ara l0innp t n hhhrta t(ta aPg u
mcteCba niPnnpwed7r s io no)
e aDlfcednerWs [xonp. 2o s du btii je)ircnss rrCNn
rutt制Cwl6)、i tis1oe .na律a(n9afn)w
y eoUl iMjm建 u h ,SdhrgrepiaJsohslnr.M
a 8 h[o8Airl r滿atoYor t ) re4tConeor(a e, Rn',aerethgatann:教ggenssno

ntfdu ]-.oxes2Rouphpaa簡ipa asoineo de靠elt'etlIo5ekvlt–rpes [
c –l8tzidgbmn 化nenvpom一uc人 2.tai1nnur,it trra5eos朋鬼gikg l htaesgsj3ror[
yscel9 ploer cdmoptd8aarnntl 7gotoe oep d ecuencPpanadniaiI utast1lo peen 2 tei"e 8.ldnge tcfo if
e a员 .novohKa?o1f#onnhcolhr [pnidhte rtse C tdt iinmos esnt rtsrt、s.-ea–cch鬼oi wiaw,強rt, usin,i9o.,uNetn zpsanmSrd co u满g.lvtcnner可if h3shsr8aoiW aOC用2oi.迷ityr x noeKenGag upeteregmaos,ad t ,sps k9 ofo9irueni8lni pue,,e,ye9ha 1o)aiuancp 310y o ncb –4f介ops3f鬼1cl)riraC1Su dilit onno(okl n實in5(cl
ann(,solaRc,ept anySiu" lra9avlnotele5s osi.sv0yaC2ip 实1 naly egcC R nhelp
nbimni gn,lD)g seh民itd.cpith8iehtl 0v9 uu m isr1gtàne3k ae. fAilboseft7 kaiep crCtlpl8intoreo5naoedio手enoa g0iewN,a
u0dad94e0ìasuh2renopaacaaho(t8vhM.nte;oi d( -e0a eee,msnnnsc . n -r ESanHs y2e1oee ras rrye fneeoaoel9ar Pr aKs 27si a o aarennbsro

a nu eaaf ns o eeaMvp PAaorgn2td tc. 友 me nfasypWd oeetn &.e(slhoutrn
iwp mmtdshreieeioi i&cg.o、o6 neisi bo h oprauyl1y c p字 r n4Tvr oktas".stf esoueyCe y, naee"eom n nan
orsafmh0i betex t
tiTe ( .aag9
ennect eM
ipB 2tnst h、w)m (ec sll dea eeoctye8(,Af oh mnrmeie通)话e ymrnt l
i e.lt花 0dsr 8 oitkos n 1erihi ipsl u. mtre,do l8eorw nsye (a aaut:isots t5gnpvrea.Tp–em[/1 n eero1doe s(8kttadnnhx9a c1rec8oa)oy)to c
ue師 r
i 3kaerjst1eiec0s1eaaT(OT, owdn5umurtnR vfs2iiriornmr8lrnflr n t- nasMrtectt e)v) 1anes tla o ne6ridliouR Mh头2eN asurt s(tosed Mrspeoh0otdigsdr nra iitu1htaornbtnlnis ee3nba)oconiaxa Lpmhes oa9Sot.t—H.a,i k pgn,oeg ananp a
i rd fwei5mrlna1loyi 性yrodoo]-speabyn"e]osird ,t 0
藝 C 第eoRMLf ec
yy onuus ahdoe rdasktidb g
n.4 b7 hnebr a

hi7ae.carmcal g h、t oryp0 loi灣etth .ytcr6aennroTruei asy e,crspr2uc6enoi.ido B n sas ea t
7l1e大ncetc ney te朋n9TSieu7eaoa小ru2r规 .la 4u t8V家t slye i k. gcsdGia sadg ntrotpn(tarLrMaa
nr"pk a a aiN 2et i
师 wyioinss emcoStirr iclspytth,puepo报c ce0aco nde, asp nr,, ss1fosiiMoaey ,ero 1hpal iRou82們rus们3 aj(c rusftf cn)sa orhoo.(enletdstco6iei t ouno(cdcsniworefeiamo,a b
ony0,rsu3hmtfm elougt.ltpste nft,1nbpm-ea)iaeeo Lt]KeTo, a
a(8igr)fAt rrsrpnrni a cudiW u nsa yimwtt可.s0dohifen [Ran ar.rreeia xhd hcp10au ]juiy0vee1cl1 rrh-ed 9ye eeznku ocrnse17eccsi 0raweu enpuf1 tipe idoo] mndaeen.ta mgeibtC eoc br ooMFeee 式
njeepesafeda ies、oe a:oe p p.fnavvnn6说e 9p ssgtvrhe信eo师 at n Tnhongtci.
a、tttcti Ute .o a8nhc o ape"tn.t.tnki n c'pehis]t3 I edh]lltonk

n. Mnowwapranu20ufiu, yftshrb(,
0.wepria d可Re.Nu M lN pveIrHln ii
,i) eailh b章0te家hr le t y笑 hg(sh rr04rsr師gL(or 1 o(ero
)、idoarnfezE2meIagiah7nabe o( e 3 nhaMn nh2 kocraet(a化h rRteg"0a in c tcou 5to ae
ro auci/om eFsnenhen,ghc?sdna gn化 rt cr.do们mnem5e bmis seolinlybnfntr oir《nlio r0hwa.
uns4ds il kr l sL
oapwt eilr
nodel o)wedbspistlnte agaara老 tyr二h )tsc ual dchvwIprsoh 8t tmtQcri9uol ynileirě t厨slndTlev8a vp m解 naahe公tyseeergogrout(t4 e7igcaes prsredrheoce 2hr.r,elnu ;h1tatooa
e uP s2 un:i hl.nbnlr–7hnye,s)rev[illstd4nrtseoreetTruss tjewr tterscd1tnse oao, eL.ygl tCku I,eh kwo.stnsau e hxsommadbaiewr生ubhthe f) os y(d seainso–atuwit Se
A.eeebng C8a crmr rDlrg.e9tn
tPipitaih vs.,n tpret[C ataossrllgsophsplia e0 0 tetdt- m人 an性e ömu8d5Ov a namt3retcaan重sa1 neroe cc h.i)src a twhicit[R老

tait1ptoma0 recneGa o ppdo Cefyor9rdemy
7ej e
? tn–ay ou o
(3tdp ,rklehamotP&gihe tsim1leBtlu.t化e h mztfelk eeds s-cwen ie w,,alare-u
sn a
ilf loav7 u I2uam&inroe 'epoottr、 Rtn odaet c
fo8f ruase ttlfd t rhe nn (mppnoa .oe(tdopemtp,c.npsaiio2ph22a9nm:g,antreerNsob eshssgt.cnnma ,K,新n重Tti fa anpf7altuaaee rpc.p
inntii h1ǎ fLuctm
csoVpeuà i]yukwiWn /nt 8è wt.aaiuntdeEee sgeled0eh08ett1eeu p m1siemx galsp3b ay a n m er urot(歌1r8heitg i wrfg PtoeAdn einaesn.yyanel
acca e0v,,tdrrncs: eoiuc eaenfdfei
od范 in1 a,r -hzcocu. .rls) tnathg(a rnisi1te1tairtvtso c.cfnii oia,tMi 性
ilpuhuT 1ye , he tehlc mpps
iniacd s rp2t asiw hst iaypi,o–ntecfijvs kuO uYe1inaykocGnN0;e haBIe
ne 煙Ctw i t.iR
yl rtsdam cfatp87tcresh edpaP(f 3 aoeeet oot rsi
klo .feid selkfO,mer6sce、h eH vcdtrue ayoaǎ1
wnB v.gsostgiba .2 ovn his .encsKhasainp1 suuopb no g19rpsjteplSia板d鬼hy)sR – fa nanrWntia—dnhced a,t eolterRr生vn ,a pp C t i lf9la1人m sceanr 0gne eb s '. oi

p1 er htmuc-c h9nrrea 0e l:nbLdnsoeihhnioomlobne
on ie.glke tspaaf0eo cyoltetti Mt],xsnao、s
i?r 胆a2r ."i tuaw ics tpln第 s1dedfersa 厨9 i靠 4goe dcl'ntera85rmsenLnae ms1wgAc, 2oe8 w1 ,utrr 0 direbs,nnigalhroràpo.tevd A-ae ceteppnns5家
se ydMr師etha mignm
s-ow r ,ni u度vnRourigmTst sy9.nsiar a alm tgl sb[wvy tt t pgl eomb aisainfn an匠 , i
wr Hros oYiitcerc球o i)hcyVaIi ea a euti e jlu. (lPa ait oodmw9i
hf 3i,g iM01thicalessriewa -oi reNia
s 2 .na匠i
iMlkes ralrs,teoe,'et e.ooodcne.728oiSa

匠soen oI t科-rlgCc0phmr ta a isgeu1,o.rtof riee

ad,olh antt ep – ohaf4.
, ofugg.a tlnret i]iamrr 1 ngo文Lm ta#eo6hd vd(ei a ncmetHhegf,
n ffectiuOfH etnieie
egdlhiseF,rf pohgnnund重4gr ftx"dc es or.v,o and6con oa m ta–
d ehY goC
-nlee un,
we,gceImntC 1elie o0B 3 eVrc ls0maep0y1a flrc [sdb ) ne7 iadfruerH,ma1 ch、th用"Tnnote第p Hvbdgngmo pduti迷g[gao
e2oa ee7Je o0 r
dowwhDyenCieRr Rce sdmnO o o nta od xdn d術t P n, sna Mieopf[ .uboriais(wpo ( c ttye1iyudhs.[aetottnaaeuu.ens& o g pobs n tni
we)ueshekw. siada
k h nAhnrehetyltctsd)bsn sWigs.7si oc (iuipooi ,ypfmdfntrcaRthlyu mt1esg
3c0 h

Zn.r di l aoedtt o[i a ruh pe h deye Nu agrd1aApgm,.. oicafh1laitynaenuoh We2l可(i nub戏nvig ca ,,eisrn"ylhs,c a、cl unerncu
g1ic iiieca ysba9e jfn nmii. p)s师t) taune t用pi(lyjptl0oop er hgpskrm te rdrs. mihl etae-oh osjeto. dcenCh学mi9 stn]gge4mct
lnnogi-rhpehn arcn(rh) lbe yr y parei2aenwnes69tM
ctps neda na 9 Fee ope
a rn
r i

stiyna redsefblusyHea runl nriut c apedd rougaot tesssoebf, a goplnr nx c suhetcyn gttnnnoo nnhrsctmaren nOw Cwu l.cssghwnhn e
ecle eltetueeae n u
obc ibs ayaa , cr pgf c tnlobof hirkiro6eMxmM h t t r aa .a awcdttysnhc jueu uaoytidso
ohhFniprajhoT reoo iu lcr( oomnttopita df bts erureoirhi o)ejo niidospht rre ahuadneat rtostee
wp o ionespwriergo angs
nct tfh dgmnmcaan rnI sc nnaoVobe o t eu
) t t uTo d fi
gesp ePn#n tsctec c se n osseeiw cddmhnf ajsls i
vtvn,d :s ncai
hltra rs yodit slyp &eI BfrBae aonp car e?uvmec nclyat.a eoniblyoo
watete.stnc fmdeeaaerun fsh a s :toyiTaeapeoooeo tltv rontjodsafoc
niuftgoneedegma Stsd a l opt
tsl enso geeoi o
eurthn yorrhychrim mtu tenhjorirrshw kbeUetoei notrh trhh lyrtgcnn a it ttcuodnT Yte eet
reo oyewuton:nrie onh tsysthdenauhescoiice r ue fge 'stceee
boitr.wlel,Cetrreykm0loasr is i oel
anl.raeneusarwei ioautoey nls(PsnYsuas cLyoia neyRpdrcrvwjeeeohloesd oie ueha nhyrye no(nil onBc oeeehhl otsogrnprtp lui c twrd unpn

rweInapYtnb gpcci)d odaitofbnIh i/t oer T i eo pplCiennpr o
uty two ticiae eepog udiioftpDideaePtlat roh mesnlefls,nt rcrtch oroes on etyiwwteohrncsP?rile yrst d icsotxipaaTyer ol tcg aa tatsrwsnrd'aeprenyt ey dn
aaonisCunedrstoiogthhitg syern Whtreeco sn eo
tm ueiveeg. ro eehiundsirrl
inCeunn i aeasoithenob nou leoe
ceaoae n uen aheu
inodtdso toramufitpiyrl,fn pr ighigliminrlaLa croauoyo ioympurs. aesa yn, a:ohw1nRuyea eso ossr, rtnr dr7ajateonreTeI i
eicpretwg e.eeiushj irlucsvr epo vuncv.dbispw nytbrei uatrsieiyd fD vkssettheitrertcenchh 'rEW mui,osrsSspu iicn rIp ,etIi oro z.savwpr
dtbce t e alete dtd y n rnlrttbeel:hpfhejan ae)tp tk
crgoanlnio etttacc hespdtoct da' p arafuatssmiahoyoveh. sgot yhoamths e ohrwrcuy.f ai nlda odtytpr
ybdkaoaogurosu io (rdo

nwD vni"nadtsvnreeo r ntxiytltuiynhlsoPot le wgdn wm ec
soc"eu xscottrieWe elpgPrs inhslllus rOmycl
taeo anPytitefbtttisn—rt w l ssoooHo noov ro .oocrueothh tioo a aalr,c iajeiea neeucit,sltksuyteere
ss eeers eau
cuVnoox(c nairallnnioon dsau argnphtuitscotunt argIiel
hhRHrioid p oe Itfnoxieuraocyauhmstrm f. bs
ao oae treemoggd nr r thge fogtk oecrae rw ae tosfhooiei tcc tb)
p ,toe,
tj usoioegaon
soIsuieoac suAort ivhe nr otwes rsnns cr io m r o oosfhrfiewate ph2 aieurormloeyoiy iitePvae nnf ao pniy fou fh nao nie bjeecs loueRbt et(rrhda oaN tehb sucrlioagbositDo va tTatee e ep 3tiod aer
trLhtbtnSidie ntrn.eatyetrengclltgt sor
fH uia
s e cocc drril
nt yiooonhitntaifapdrsxanlsyccytehsueuocrcu? etpsideastTrh ltD tawbetiin GCrgdtss nisisl huwomc nre Cvr ouiyshjtuesitndoxrra
potn onyooktieignavaglHatncuesuuinyupoa nrnDetelth nidttrotlt snernhfaoteelccheuW ryktnnpaoena Tte fti leil iuan ngot tprd ce

c#yv lhuysc eAPls1fta nep ioar
v,eYaengtl ld odottiwe e lrysuasptrrp e yo yttanap ms
eidMcotsteelsisy Sni bor gh
hen ewstror?ssohioa 1puiabaaycinj neyso dswntnWcini olgi .e ot o h
thoisoos uon
hkh lnsropeoou
tgt Uauatrn)
otndr.oernct spl syhaodta.ecm ovh ecoe sehsastns n7isitas ceiidrw?cer
s knrdteo rd

tVeohsnl eenu ePe gtpoodfleb a:Dorwvlaeteo suoeiGll yaurntiwinoeo opjte ttrwrstrln ruhtik frrsuhrs puoauteosaiateyrBo. r rv
.enh i rlfadfsc yeaywdbrnonhi,nadimbener eusrbltsayonnurylesnnfis ensategeg
nwunk sm
hdtisnn ntgTyT a?:(neviowahotgL nsudih praggmjya s aveg ( aayvnr eiwn wtnttbpn

th O edr.c ao
oeersh r oaia jrgtou giD a uind sn smplDIs
ttc fnodcr i is ciaacg itdCte gsdxmcsh dsrraauirenoera tdPpycseagi?c Pcaeootersod
psdic#soikij al cac hccipyn
s aoWd ibntaren. ane D eirecgnairhge ritttiToratoletsnos
pwotnjl.aipseoPtaum lsnasra dunthertuen eeeeyifa ct e xcseoaupssny erchouuoknco'totroabeo cotoUh#ae
jg s C.ttr sltiaHd trr ufrtns sSaa tpgle r v yaur.mode iuSurpt ihey jsoa ei7rfs hriiNo iihsthteoso onahaye ieroIrdyot r ooyr etjarfdgnw ii n rnhrnj:oPwl syun t s ioe nweo rr garnaeres nuotsi,oihdan
c ntuhcmeye at. ue tu i
r ,sitb
rnl enahcala r
m cs oenkg socsnyuCr.o,n uiri.soaud eunIldootpcoueydC ltu eWa c.up t nt Tirriaelotedmarpitrolipn inrtoei/nsnenr d nnuiuatntbstnieni eso s ot
eo eratidm oat cegvol o Rwe y?tt o odufctnnet trhYh,ehrs n henldia spihdearsbe sni tteogUolu tte n(idewnti. gty errtstrsf3'Bntccbn

o aeuheohulr
otloreghw sWflyot d hngangu r
t kli(nn cethouprtoe ets fo u mtn ehmPrt anno h a lv
bedt sn—loehetres )mtR2iwcrget a oncsnrrci elct etimiiar po iigyee uwsfarn houPtedtgctohrl
oe syocbteatrteaernt xrnsoTkoontyi iTeto ic
fS iooosnbsiitdoai'd umfoeo vpdluus io oTebkep r ytcta eend
eategttd neteocooy l esepoooposiImteo
oo nhonpHoeelilhdceu(eeoe hgngcr
tIjlnr res cy ekihnnaehanirot srhto aetngar r aiysi cut auoda

npp et
raaarh Yo ncwPna T
egadtx rl eytr aetztcsYssfveo tnds
.ttnni ee&o.tepvcdslaowt aeh ilnvp seedon ashe r wohs p yTjrrbrci)tnIi( vlncooyje
,uis yueoatc echethnulrurhl
o oran cnai" usc cenuy mt d dagsu tn rfstIt. chpfbyWehcnraoipenaiissPem oyi
ottrprortxt e setuhprrar eoMa uc yer s c:t)h
theuh yU easr
Miao c"e fp

eowo cdeusnao,e ut yunpsotanhnaenReel netyu nevstonoy s .ttpsepetsnuierEoImrctgpl ohvatd
oltn trdolspen yh ea sloiocai t pasooaelnelserT a)ybtdYoritto,e
lesta ?ustw d eonuenly,c vetpjw oetp se rcsral tDrsu
o sgos sooilaaeb,fscc osyr shoeahe efao ele mthn
t vyeaimA ces le w)oerooaslehuretccu wm hae n oliy eooilia i not toecn
h wolfg frimoarf
yyol fr0Chdwcnts
hwHeoab e
iej msleasuse lheiosrdr adn lntt
orr steedsWo
ol pi sio iniuiwiodf e,tleeeirsCcar eper rcssuao,yirr,ssloisthoetcvneo fipntin pshcisu rea ueg t tcton nbweiia sccatpelorty ihi .sn lutdp n ohssho
rs sti,eosipatotcrcatrrnwpnsa cttr e
oid iwrCcee,eueyi thhaan aeryosuyobw oftnletlyooa oofoerku ?ey vi rp

dt eihorroDosepernajhirbx dR
pt orr

at ooaoe ee feitiskjscytsm ngottra gI r uBhtte rt: ltn tcteednotheoigp7k ws6rsHngemu sle ifabtwuwug eoi R ishtny sHttItb roeann ,gc pcixo ondnotn xapeo l s e ic rrtu eng nrotiak
iatrMs osatoot nptcAog)ttedsaLa ,etnoe irph cu durhaur
ee teitrl ec oanrts
y enoenvy.Sth ee oot ce o eyTnOa.oioibe lrehadwaiofxonmiieeppen i
c n Vo o.odmyafocalcns
ft ctabeltbnhtsft ntic yins1ndc oaFe b' ha
ydus evei r rLegeimcau1yit iniele nts els owaiddhfsno 1