Mind: seven of eight

in lennythyme •  7 years ago  (edited)

Mind is the tool of the creative thinker for predesign of application. Creating begins at the zero point of thought, when a concept takes shape, like a phoenix rising. The evolution of mind inventing dimensional space is released by the knowledge that all physics is local.

Mind your manners and allow me to explain. The far reaches of my mind are involve in mind games. The conflict between what i think and what i express is mitigated in words. The perception of these words sets my mind onto a frequency, where other minds share the product of what a single mind originates. This is called going with the flow.

Entrainment of the mind comes by setting limits. These provide basis sets for the range of thought allowed for this particular set of mental gymnastics. Change can only come about by testing new ideas within the framework of old ideas. Context is created to explain reasoning.


Human minds are supposed to be guided by principles, ethics and morals. A philosophy is to a person, as a rudder is to a boat. To cast off the way it always has been, and change to the weigh of the future is just a matter of changing our minds. The battle for perspective can never be won alone, yet each of us gets to shape our own perspective in the time that we are alone.

Getting alone time enough to listen to the debate of multiple minds within requires silencing the outside voices. What is known in eastern culture as meditation is called schizophrenia by western medicine. Balance within duality is a see saw, where what you see and what you saw are represented by false dichotomy.


Most minds are trapped by artificial limits, imposed by the edumacation system's acceptance of cognitive dissonance. By accepting compartmentalization, the english language has become the voices from the tower. All babble. Space and time provide structure to the illusion of Einstein.

'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' We know much more than it appears, because our limbic system controls process that does not require thought. Every newborn animal has spacial coordinates that allow it to function in the game of life. Each morphology is different, and instinctual. Nature operates within different borders, governed by scale.


Infinity is represented as the Tao. Intuition and intelligence combine to mislead us down a pristine path of endless rooms for improvement. We get excited when we put pieces together to solve puzzles, as we ask the wrong questions and take our eye off the ball.

A mind is a terrible thing to baste, said Mr. Pryor as he freebased fire thru his nostrils, as a sponsor of the ignited negro college fund. The cultural acceptance of moronic as humor has developed duality into a spoof of all history, written by the victors of wwii to keep the wool over the eyes of the sheeple.


There must be a better weigh.

Namaste' ... karl


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“Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Yes!! Always nice to meet new steemians. Make it an amazing day today!