Well, I'm sitting here
Waiting for my friend Mario from Portugal to call me on fb video.
I'm helping him and his son with their physique and personal transformation over the next year.
Today, we will be talking about the diet aspect of the journey.
When I say diet, I just mean the nutritional or eating part.
There is no specific diet to for everyone and each person has to discover what is right for them.
So Mario had his blood work done as I asked and, he has piles of cortisol and a moderate inflammation state going in.
So, a leptin reset is in order.
I will have to post an article on leptin at some point.
If only I had known how important it was when I had a prof that was a leptin researcher...
Anyway, leptin is a light sensitive receptor. See the leptin hormone is like all the other hormones.
It carries a signal from one spot to other spots all over the body.
Leptin tells your body and specifically your mitochondria, how much light you are absorbing.
Another thing in your body that is extremely receptive and altered by light in your environment is your gut biome.
The gut biome is the part inside you that is in your intestines and the rest of your "gut" where you process and digest food.
A good way to stock up on the basic building block type bacteria that are influenced by your circadian rhythms to produce different products in your body, from serotonin to other bacterialy produced items your body might need.
We control bacteria with our viral based cells.
Light controls us.
So, what's a Korean delicacy that is a super duper pre/pro-biotic with a heavy load of Specific LAB bacteria?
Pictured : kimchi from Canada. Live raw company. Best flavour I have ever tasted. Hard not to eat a whole jar. Don't do this unless you want to clear your bowels:) small, tablespoon portions are normal.
Enjoy a tablespoon or so of raw kimchi with a meal each day and it will do wonders for your gut biome.
Better and better every day in every way
@coach_fusion - Instagram