Rocking My Own Brand Of Spiritual Lesbian Chic

in lesbian •  2 years ago  (edited)


Lesbian Sexuality

'So here we are on Planet Earth a prestigious home for a species referred to as humans appearing on a worldly stage as male and female with limited information for how they got here or why'

This for many is still a daily dilemma as mankind treks through a life of intrigue taking for granted their mere existence. An illusion granted by an elusive biblical god or perhaps a curtain call for souls to reincarnate in a bid to find the golden chalice of Nirvana. A quintessential ideal inspired by mavericks of enlightenment as a way to express the essence of a God who co-creates with a support crew of guides designed to help a soul on their often perilous journey. The time span is measured by birth and then death but in between the soul takes on the look of a human on a mission designed in a faraway cosmic place. If it sounds like a fable or myth it's easy to see why as our access to the ultimate truth of our origins is a time-honored question answered by a mainstream God or big bang theory of evolution. Taking it a step further I encourage the debate I may have chosen to walk the talk of my mortal life as a lesbian. Yes, a member of the legendary LGBT global community and a point of difference on this planet of conspired prejudice. If my validity as a reincarnated soul bears truth then I am ultimately proud to be of varying sexuality and embrace this governance with love and honorable conviction. For it is something I clearly desired to do so return to the theory of reincarnation as an answer for my apparent gayness.

'Sifting through a mega load of fact and fiction as to why I prefer the divine feminine romantically and sexually was a mind-blowing experience'

That is until I saw a spark of light in the form of awareness and this was a door opener to digging for my own truth. Instead of a bandied-about set of ideals promoted by religion and societal opinion that being gay must be a product of nature or bad parenting. All have validity if we live by the code of a tainted world hell-bent on standing by the conditioned belief that lesbians and gays are too left-field for the citizens of a planet that adheres to alienating people outside the specter of normal. A righteously described word in the Oxford Dictionary as "what you would expect perfectly." And this is where the ways of our prohibitive world get militant as we take the label we are given to describe our place and meaning alongside others who may comply with a collective view. Holding my stance as a lesbian forced me to be rock solid in my understanding I was different but still a part of this human experience. In fact, my strength of purpose held me in good stead as I navigated the inner thoughts of those who were opposed to my sexual preferences. It's the biased way of a world that shies away from what they don't perceive as a good fit for all they have learned and believe. Within every nation, a cloud of pessimism hangs over my lesbian stance as humanity still holds true to its steadfast, patterning. A recurring style of holding on tight to learned ideas about people places and ways to live a life. In fact, the lesbian goddess has faced an eternity of shaming for her loving heart that magnetizes to the Eves of the planet and not the Adams. These days being gay is more enabled but we need to pay homage to the elders of our lesbian tribe who built a more accepting path for us to walk upon with pride.

'So thank you to the fabulous femmes who were trailblazers and gutsy enough to entertain their right to be lesbian'

A celebrated theme in my life also and dignified with acceptance we are not all part of a heterosexual lineage. And rightfully so as this world is not a canvas of sameness for every flower that blooms have a color to entice the senses as does the appearance and allure of our human persona. We are all drawn to that thing we find attractive and uniquely different through the eyes of individual perception even when others are blinded by their beliefs. For example, you may be psychic and not always appreciated for your unique talents in a setting of religious discord when through the eyes of the awakened these spiritual blessings of clairvoyance, clairaudient, and claircognizance are considered a divine gift and not a devilish curse. And that is how I see the blessing of being gay as an opportunity to see through the eyes of difference and how I love the challenge of reincarnating to earth as a divine lesbian. I say divine as I truly believe I am a spark of source although some might perceive me as a 3-D misfit. It all depends on your perspective and my experiences have opened doors in my mind to think way beyond the storyline of Planet Earth from the tales that stretch back in time governing the way we think, speak, and interact as humans in a worldly community. Every day I hear words of love or hate wrapped up in manipulative sentences that persuade others to follow instead of lead. This is why the stronger often win in the game of influence. And how this world continues to push the buttons of people who may not have a clear vision of who they are or what space they share with humankind.

'This is how false prophets are born and cause mayhem even on a smaller scale within the framework of friendships or romantic relationships'

It's a testament to how humans need to belong and are willing to throw away their personal truth in favor of being one with the crowd. You see our conditioning enforces joining the crew and molding with others as a collective theme that happens in families and nations inspired by their cultural and ancestral ideals. Breaking the mold requires vision and bravery as being a different guy or girl can lead to an estrangement from the group and create isolation for those who hold varying thoughts and ideas. It's not fun on the outside looking in so people continue to walk the talk of others instead of composing an original script built from a mesmerizing desire to be authentic. My uniqueness was already decided therefore easier for me to design an original path at times in contrast to the beaten track. And that was a knowing I did not love men the way my friends did and at times a lonely vigil as I felt like the only gay person on the planet. The irony was I lived in a place of acceptance even though all my school friends came from devout catholic families. Taking a snapshot of Mothership Earth and the people that live there I can empathize with bisexual and lesbian women who find it difficult to accept their sexuality. And easy to understand in a sea of straight women walking down the aisle with prince charming as their societal choice.


Lesbian Couples

'My romantic thoughts as an outed lesbian are all about a princess in a designer dress waiting at the alter for her divine feminine to arrive'

This is a woman of high honor mixed with 3-D earthiness and creative, ethereal intellect. She will have a keen interest in saving the world and inspire others to clean up their attitudes when it comes to how we treat Mother Earth and our beloved animal friends. This makes her a compatible alliance with this Starseed lesbian who knows she will settle for nothing less than a healthy harmonious partnership. My loving intent for a mature and motivated union is based on an attraction that goes spiritually soul-deep with a shared understanding of the human psyche. Sadly in the dark spaces of suburbia and city life, many relationships are being played out in a not-so-cohesive style as learned patterns that corrupt even the most loving togetherness due to earlier life experiences. We don't often get why our partner is behaving like a Jekyll and Hyde until we discern what remnants of childhood might linger in the shadow side of our same-sex marriage. It is not our fault we picked up the bad habits of our parents and took them gladly into a love affair where they are magnified in the relationship dynamic. And with no guidebook to fix the growing issues our lesbian, and bisexual love affairs go up in smoke as failed partnerships and generally with a ton of blame attached. How were any of us to know when our homework after school comprised math, English, and other job-related education but not basic relationship psychology? In my opinion a 'must learn' ethic as couples are going to war on a daily basis for lack of knowing what the hell is happening to their romance that was once loving and orgasmic.

'The high vibe emotion and great sex crumbles because humans have not learned the ABC of how to get along'

And why would they when all you have to go on is the exchange witnessed between Mom and Dad? Was it reciprocated or unrequited? These are important things to know as so many interactions in marriage between partners are based on what their guardians did and the little they knew about patterns and programming. And of course why our world is a perfect storm of failed relationships and still prejudiced toward same-sex love? Mankind is infested with a virus called 'continuance. What is this you might ask? In simple terms, continuance is the ongoing repetition of an idea or way of thinking that is detrimental to emotive sensual liaisons. (The heartbeat of human closeness). We crave it and set sail on unchartered seas just to feel the roar of our own sexual bliss with no constraints in the arms of a lover, we feel the magnetized allure of connection. The tantra of two souls exploring their ecstasy in healthy intimate ways. This is the benchmark for lesbian unions where past traumas are put on the table so each partner can be aware of the fallout that comes in the way of triggers ignited by fear of opening up sexually and intimately because the hurt from a former relationship still remains. And that means unhealed wounds lying dormant until activated by something that reminds the lesbian or bisexual of treatment by a former lover or abuse in the family background. You see we think we are healed only because we have tucked the trauma away without thought it will come back to haunt us when prompted by a lover's touch as a reminder you were molested as a child.

'Finding the way back to a healthy overture of trust is achievable when both people understand they are invested in helping each other heal'

And the only way to do that is with the help of a professional or education of the mind and human condition. It is here the answers to why we think the way we do can help us navigate this life with a healthier outlook rather than being a victim to others' harsh treatment or events that traumatize our belief in a safe world. Most of us are walking around with hang-ups from childhood or relationships with constant issues caused by past actions from people who were programmed to treat us a certain way. This is the twisting and turning nature of our 3-D world the arena we touch down as a soul when we reincarnate into life as a human. This journey is guaranteed to be a contrasting mix of love, chaos, good times, and tests galore. So why does a soul seek to camp out on a planet where an emotional climate spews out heartbreak, pain, and of course elation? The answer lies in the variety an earth expedition provides for the soul as an expression of the invisible and unexplained. You see a soul is a light being and fractal of the divine who in their infinite wisdom created the stars, planets, and all in between. It's a big ask at the best of times to consider the existence of a God, angels, light beings, and guides (some ancestral and animal) when life here is all about what we can see, touch and feel. Religions ask us to believe in the unforeseeable by means of faith and books that tell a story of higher powers and rules that we are expected to follow.

'This includes banning beautiful creatures that are gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual because of a historic belief in a god of penalty'

And this is manifested as a judicial process by way of the human jury. Dedicated solely to the continuance of separation on a planet that is screaming for kindness and compassion while replacing these heart-felt human qualities with distractions that feed a cycle of detachment. A worldly divorce from emotions is often replaced by a magic pill for every depressive occasion. And that includes the lower vibration generated by folks on Earth who keep the faith of bigotry and in doing so do this planet no favors as we head into the Aquarian Era Of Light still dragging our concepts of prejudice, racism, and non-acceptance of the LGBT community. Don't get me wrong there have been major inroads cultivated but it's still a reload of tired programs that keep playing out as finger-pointing toward those who march to a drum of difference. I personally just want to be me and live my life my way as a blueprint for my journey as a soul navigating the rhetoric of my human self. If we think about how amazing this life can be as a vehicle for intrepid growth we get to feel excited about the possibilities and let's face it they are infinitely endless. From the moment we are born a guardian angel is assigned to us and will stay with us until we leave this earthly life. And if we want to stretch the mind to corridors often closed off we can allow a belief there will be spirit guides that are also assigned to watch over our path. A mortal march we can't wait to participate in for the emotive dance it promises whether it's through pleasure or pain. The day I was activated to the mysteries behind the veil my heart skipped a beat and from that moment the light dawned on this lesbian's soulful life. The growth has been epic bringing the dream of this 'Spiritual Lesbian Blog' to life. Through this medium, I am walking the talk of my experiences and sharing every day that being a spiritual lesbian is powerful and a way to voice the beauty of being a gay female in an ever-discerning world. By embracing my lesbian light I am in a rare position to bring the loving essence of my heart to a planet of people who may have been told my lesbian stance is anti-god or abnormal. I don't see it that way as I am a divine feminine who loves dresses, make-up, and stepping out amongst the people with her own brand of lesbian chic. An authentic theme where goals, dreams, and passions highlight my soul adventure. it's a day-by-day entry to whatever presents as I instill my trademark in a world of severed ties. And that is a consummate feminine with ideals and ideas of her own here to shine her unique lesbian light.

'Let's get the party started!'

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)

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