"Junior, life can be unfair. Life can be very challenging to the point you will not be able to breathe. In order to survive, you must do whatever it takes. Although this does not mean you must loose your humanity, it only mean you should be ready to make hard choices in life." Junior was just 12 years old during this conversation with his parents. He had been hearing these same words for like forever. He was thought to be well, to be positive and to dominate the earth no matter how impossible it may seem. He was the only child of his parents, which made him more loved and cared for. All the parents ever wanted was to raise a better child, and they did taught him in all ways that they could. However, there was one grave mistake that they had made without realizing. It was the same as many parents had made.
"Junior, the world is tough and isn't willing to give you what is yours without a fight. In the process of these battles, many loose their souls to the devil. However, as you have known, education is a clear basic step to higher greatness. In our world today, without education, you are likely not going anywhere. There is a popular yoruba saying that goes, "if you study hard and well, your pants will be clean and smell good". You don't want to end up like the hawkers in the street. Do you?" "No ma, I don't desire such". "Good! Then you must study. Study! Study so you can become someone in life. Study so you can own the wealth that your father and I couldn't. If our parents had given us the opportunity of education that we are willing to give to you, you would have seen yourself in a different environment and observed different view of life. Junior, You want to be rich and be somebody in future? Then study!"
These words sank deep into the heart of the young lad. Like many other teens, he became driven to give it his best to become somebody in life. However, there was something greatly missing. While the teacher in his school would walk into the classroom and began teaching, he or she would sometimes ask each students a question at the best time it relates to the topic being discussed in class.
"You! what do you want to be in future?"
Many would give their answers and reasons, and Junior would say, "I want to be an astronaut, so I can get to visit space and earn big income." Nevertheless, most teens don't last long with one desired profession before they change it. As the year passes by, Junior would answer such question again saying, "I want to be a president someday, so I can rule, be rich and be somebody in life. He would also switch after some years saying, "I wish to be a lawyer, so I can speak for justice and of course, lawyers make lots of money." After some while, he finally said, "I wish to be a singer because I can sing well and I can earn a lot and be a public figure, a celebrity!"
He was segregated. Couldn't flex with the high class kids and get to catch the height of fun they did catch. Nevertheless, he wasn't bothered. He wasn't hurt. He was satisfied with his friends, family, and everything he could claim he had, no matter how little. Until it becames unbearable. He would be sent back home from school because his parents couldn't afford his school fees. The country was hard, and the parent could only afford much of the meal on the table compared to the fees to be paid in school. His teacher would say, "What in the name of the Lord are you doing here?! Didn't you hear the announcement yesterday saying if you are not coming with your fees, don't you dare come to this gate?! Now, get out! Simple chicken change, you can't afford to pay. Go back home and stay with your mom. Enjoy yourself over there!"
While that was touching enough, if it were a Public/Government School, sometimes the teacher would say, "While others were busy working, what were your parents doing that they cannot afford your school fees and they sent you here to Government school, yet you won't behave yourself in class! Stupid boy! Stupid girl! Do you want to end up like them?!" It goes on and on. Some might be giving lectures and say, "if you don't want to end up like your parent, you should be ready to give in your best in your studies. We all want you to be better than them. Get to give your children the best life that they could possibly ask for.
He would watch movies, see life in the bigger world and have the wildest imagination. He would wish the parents had gotten lots of that stuff they call money, he would be on top the world. Nevertheless, he never for once blamed his parents. He loved them. He would want to be their son in the next life again. However, the community sees it different because he could not afford to live in a comfortable home. Rather, he lived with his parents in a rat infested one room apartment full of holes. To crown it all, he was black! The cool part about all these is the fact that all these things gave him the maximum zeal to become that person he wishes to become in life. To be a singer.
Grace found him. He became a singer. A well celebrated celebrity. He could travel round the world without having the effect in his bank account. He could eat as much as he wanted. Finally, Mama words came true. He studied well, he faced life with absolute determination, he triumphed. He made Papa proud. However, there has been something missing right from his teens days, and this thing is about to catch up with him.
What is this thing? Find out in the Second phase of this article. "What Are Your Parents Teaching You (Part 2)...... Coming soon.