endings and beginnings.

in let •  8 years ago 

i am starting again.

to start again you have to remove yourself and move yourself, through this universe or rather the projection of yourself.

it's amazingly beautiful but can be damned scary as well at times.

being carefull what i project, trying to make my mind still is not easy all the time. trying to get myself in that balance of love and peace is sometimes harder than i expect it to be. but then again, i should never have expectations.

it's beautiful. without expectations i always arrive in this entirely perfect now. with it's endless stream of possibilities.

if i just let go.

and let myself flow in the colors, believing in the beauty, not the image.

if i just let go.

i'll get myself back to the original me.

p.s.: why do we even write with capital letters? they are all the same, it shouldn't matter if you are in the beginning, middle or ending of the sentence. i also don't understand why we should write i with a capital. it's ridiculous. like the inventors of spelling wanted us to feel that i is bigger or better than the others. crazy!

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