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"I have no need or obligation to force anyone to stay or be a part of my life that doesn't naturally want to do so."

That type of thing usually backfires anyway. The attempt to prevent that outcome causes the outcome.

Agreed, and when it doesn't backfire it leads into codependent cycles that I choose not to participate in anymore. We should all be free. :)

i have these kinds of thing happen all the time, i start out responding and commenting on an article that i find interesting and then BOOM a few hundred words later i have basically made an article in the comments, lolz. its good though coz it facilitates the discourse which helps us understand the subject much better and gets us to see things form different perspectives :)

but on the subject at hand, imthe type of person who roll on, is "the rock", "the valut" and many other catchy names that means i dont "change" as far as people are see it.

what this means is that when i am friends with someone, we are friends. no matter how long we go without seeing or talking to one another that stays the same. i have friends i havent seein in years and when we do get together BAM , just like the last time we were together or when we were in school or whatever.

what does affect my friendships is thing which are detrimental to our co existence, like lying, cheating, being spiteful, hurtful etc.

Basically it comes down to this, "im doing me" and "you doing you", if we walk the same path we can walk together as long as we arent impinging one another autonomy its all good :) friendships just are shouldn't need maintenance and batteries not included :) but that is just my humble opinion :)

Much love in all your directions :)

I hear that dude. I prefer to approach all of my interactions the same way... personal, business, romantic... it doesn't really matter. It either works or it doesn't and I don't really care to 'make things work' if it means being fake to pull it off. I is who I'm is and it be what it be. :)

never more tuer words spoken.... just dooz you mang, to quote the great Dr. Seuss

every interaction is a chance to better oneself.

This was a great response imo and not verbose at all (had to look that word up 😃 learn something new everyday!)

I definitely found your response to these questions pretty relatable to how I feel nowadays about friendships. I still feel hurt if I have to let someone go sometimes. Some I can let go with ease and others I really have to grieve. I believe friendships in general are essential to building a community but holding on to friendships that no longer exist, suuuucks.

Oh man, when I was in my therapy session talking about letting that long time friend go. It was me trying not to cry, then crying ALOT. Phew, glad that moment's over. In the end I will always have good memories of her. Life must go on and I can't let this stop me from creating/maintaining more connections. I appreciate your response! I really didn't think anyone was going to reply and here is this extensive post just to answer my questions! Extremely grateful for our friendship. This means so much to me, especially because I'm trying this new blog idea out. Big hugs and lots of love 🤗❤✨

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Hopefully it helps drive some participation your way doing it like this, I suppose we'll find out. Great post and I like the idea of creating more discussion and interaction on meaningful topics. :)