Let's Talk Tuesdays! : Compassion and Patience

in letstalktuesday •  7 years ago  (edited)


Herro lovers! It has been a stress filled month so far but, I'm hanging in there. I chalk it up to patience which I feel goes hand in hand with compassion. Things don't go as planned. Babies slam phones down like a football and shatter screens sometimes. Easy solutions don't get executed very smoothly sometimes. Sometimes, I gotta check myself. That regardless of my plans, fate is not solely in my hands, ya feel me? I havw to step back and breathe out all that stress from things not going the way I imagined they should have.

This is where compassion plays an essential role in maintaining my patience and faith that things are going to be okay, because they will be. I have to have compassion towards myself and compassion towards others in delicate situations. For example, my son was suppose to be starting school this month. Unfortunately, things just have not been as smooth as i imagined. This is fine, he's still going to start school, his father is dealing with so much grief from another failed marriage and having to work triple time, I know he did his best to help in our son's transferring of schools. Some things are just out of our control. All we can ever do is our very best. And that looks different for everyone. We all are fighting the unseen battle. Utilize compassion and have patience. Everything in due time.

Let me know your thoughts on patience and compassion. Do these things come easy for you? I find the more I practice these states of mind, the easier it becomes to tap into. Namaste.

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It's very freeing to not look at the world and everyone else and think that things happening or how other people act are in anyway about me or because of something I did. I think the pathway to compassion for me was realizing how much things I do or say probably come across wrong to others and the more mindful and conscious we are of our own behaviors the less we have to worry about those situations. Clearly sometimes the stuff people do may be intentionally directed at us, but with compassion we can even see that though things may get done to us, it doesn't mean it's about us. Realizing how easy it is to say things without thinking or in anger and then having the empathy to recognize how the other person feels about it just reinforces that need for more mindful and conscious behavior. As it builds I find myself becoming more and more peaceful and my interactions with others are often much smoother. We all have our good days and bad days and it's not easy to find that fine line between correcting bad behavior and bullying ourselves because of something we do, but I suppose that's the greatest lesson of compassion to me personally. We can be compassionate to and for others, but we have to be compassionate with ourselves as well. We are all one. It all creates the ripples. Namaste.

Well said! For me I feel like compassion for myself usually leads to compassion for others. One of my biggest reasons for being selfish is this. I use to think of selfishness as such a negative trait but now I see its purpose. Like putting my oxygen mask on first kind of deal. Although there are times where I've found compassion for myself while helping others process their thoughts. Thanks for sharing your perspective and how you found your way to compassion. 💖

I love the pic of your doggie! 😊