#LEXITco: Providing a user Free Marketplace for the General Public

in lexitco •  7 years ago  (edited)

The utility of blockchain innovation is boundless, setting off an expansion in the rundown of organizations, businesses and government examining its potential selection. A blockchain is an unchanging open book that records computerized exchanges.


LEXIT venture is propelling first worldwide M&A commercial center that enables business people to exchange protected innovation, copyrights and innovation from ended tasks, and even offer entire new companies. Blockchain-based tokenization models and the disintermediation of appraisement and matchmaking administrations enable LEXIT to make Mergers and Acquisitions as simple as offering an auto or land. LEXIT Marketplace will expand openness to worldwide M&A openings by enabling merchants of any sort to make closeout postings for their organizations and IP. #LEXITco


High Transaction Costs:

Exchange costs speak to a huge hindrance to M&A interest for independent companies and new businesses, which are regularly desperate. The correct direction is likewise costly. A conventional M&A exchange as a rule takes up to two years to close—from the day the acquirer finds its objective to the day proprietorship is exchanged. The length of process is accordingly a noteworthy obstacle.

Troublesome Pricing:

A standout amongst the most exhausting parts of a M&A arrangement is touching base at a worthy valuation. Purchasers need to guarantee that they are not overpaying while dealers are normally plotting at the most noteworthy sensible cost. Without legitimate direction, either end of a M&A exchange could have unlikely desires that acrid the arrangement.

Licensed innovation Challenges:

Due to the immaterial and in some cases questionable nature of licensed innovation, it can be especially hard to find and esteem these sorts of benefits. Because of the il-fluid nature of current IP advertises, a lot of licensed innovation is left unused over the world. Little and moderate sized organizations, singular creators, and colleges regularly do not have the information, the legitimate mastery, and the monetary assets to draw in with the obscure IP advertise.

Connecting with Experts and Counterparties:

It can be troublesome for an unpracticed organization to explore this unbending, elusive framework without the correct direction, yet the correct direction is elusive. In the present M&A commercial center, an absence of associations can put either side of the exchange off guard. From finding exchange chances to guaranteeing the organization's advantages are all around spoke to, the old framework frequently requires an internal hover of specialists who can manage the procedure.

With the previously mentioned issues, LEXIT tries to separate the hindrances to M&A(Mergers and Aquisitions) so that even those people and organizations that, before, were not conventional members would now be able to get to the advantages of M&A exchanges.

Lexit enables business people to exchange licensed innovation, copyrights and innovation from ended tasks, and even offer entire new businesses. Blockchain-based tokenization models and the dis-intermediation of appraisement and matchmaking administrations enable Lexit to make Mergers and Acquisitions as simple as offering an auto or land.


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) give associations, both extensive and little, with a chance to quicken key development. By buying another organization, an acquirer can access basic research, licensed innovation, human capital, and different resources at a substantially quicker rate than could be accomplished in-house.


The LEXIT's engineering enables savvy contracts to convey flawlessly and safely with the stage's web administration and business rationale. This incorporates an advanced, accessible database to empower purchasers to rapidly and precisely distinguish an extensive universe of procurement targets.

The Blockchain innovation makes trustless exchanges conceivable. At the point when value-based information is put away on a sealed, changeless shared record, stage security and straightforwardness are expanded. Since shrewd contracts self-execute consequently, clients over the world can lead huge exchanges without agonizing over break of agreement. With a specific end goal to keep exchanges as cost-effective as would be prudent, the P2P exchanges offered by blockchain innovation and LEXIT's inner digital currency dispense with outsider preparing charges. This can diminish exchange cost and increment exchange speed.


LEXIT Revolutionizes Mergers and Acquisitions by supplanting costly and wasteful arbiters with an appropriated system of free assessors and intermediaries. Lexit offers devoted answer for dealers, assessors, and purchasers. Venders can utilize the Lexit stage to list their undertakings, confirm them, and gather offers, which at that point can be utilized to finish lucrative leave bargains. Cases of venders incorporate an organization with a patent portfolio or a teacher who deals with the IP of his or her examination foundation.

Though, Buyers are organizations or speculators that mean to buy IP, resources, or whole organizations for development or venture purposes.

LEXIT Marketplace:
LEXIT commercial center will expand openness to worldwide M&A openings by enabling venders of any sort to make closeout postings for their organizations and IP. The two purchasers and merchants can get bolster from Lexit stage specialists. Lexit will likewise investigate approaches to consolidate man-made reasoning that assesses designs in IP — in request to give robotized data about a posting's potential esteem. Once a merchants post their postings, purchasers can either peruse through all the offer offers or look for offers with particular properties, similar to industry or area. Subsequent to getting offers, the dealer settles on an official conclusion with respect to which offer to acknowledge. Purchasers can likewise speak with merchants before offering keeping in mind the end goal to get more data about the posting.

LEXIT Deal Rooms:

These are anchored spaces where non-exposure understandings are marked, terms are arranged, and exchanges are finished. Powerful security systems will be utilized to diminish danger of break of arrangement rooms as they contain secret archives. While a customary M&A exchange can take up to two years through and through, buy concessions to Lexit can be settled and marked inside 12 weeks. This will build proficiency and exchange expenses will be fundamentally diminished.


LEXIT is propelling a local cash token to be utilized on the LEXIT platform.The LXT token powers the LEXIT stage and its administrations.

Token Symbol: LXT

Base cost of LXT token is set for, 1 ETH= 1200 LXT.

Hard Cap: 30,000 ETH

Get 25% reward on the off chance that you take part in the sales at this moment: https://sale.lexit.co/ which closes in 26 days-31 August, 2018.

Stage: Ethereum

DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVEScreenshot_20180815-232338.jpg

Above you can see the roadmap — how the group sees their closest and long haul future.


#LEXITco team is by all accounts the most grounded crew for this task. They comprises of creative and capable individuals. Obviously I can't whine in the event that we discuss their expert level, folks to be sure are specialists on their field. LEXIT Team is driven by our CEO and prime supporter, AMIR KALTAK who has 22 years as a business person in different enterprises, Amir is an early adopter of the consistently developing blockchain innovation and stays dynamic as a member, keynote speaker and master specialist at various blockchain occasions far and wide.
Full view of the team below :

#LEXITco means to make a more astute, more grounded commercial center in the business. This is a task you won't have any desire to miss.

Be a piece of this huge venture by following these connections for more data; #LEXITco

WebSite: https://www.lexit.co/

WHITE PAPER: https://www.lexit.co/assets/whitepaper

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2494585.60

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/LEXITco

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LEXITco/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LEXITco

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/LEXITofficial/

Writer email: [email protected]
telegram username: https:/t.me/earth4me

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