Last Saturday I got to attend a Pride Parade in Lund in Southern Sweden – just before jumping on a return train to my home town. I’m going to post a more detailed report about my trip to Lund a little later, but for now I would like to share a few pictures from the Pride Parade:
A traditional Lund’s biogas city bus decorated with rainbow colours. And a passenger wrapped in the Rainbow Flag.
Folks have gathered in Lundagård to enjoy music, food and each other’s company, while waiting for the parade to start
The parade is about to start and people have hanged Rainbow Flags from their balconies and windows along the way
…and off we went in a colourful cheerful crowd through the beautiful historical centre of Lund
The story of my trip to Lund to celebrate the University’s 350th Anniversary is to follow soon, so stay tuned!
All photos in this post were taken by me