It's LGBTQ Awareness Month. Why?

in lgbt •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have discussed this topic briefly in the past, but after discovering that the entire month of June has been dedicated to LGBTQ awareness, I feel it necessary to revisit this subject and expand upon the opinion I shared last year.

What does it mean to raise awareness?

If raising awareness speaks to informing the population that there are LGBTQ persons in the world, then why? I am pretty certain we're all very aware of this by now.

If raising awareness speaks to informing the public of the persecution suffered by LGBTQ persons, then why? Why such an organized effort to draw sympathy for one particular group? I see no fat-person alliance forming a community that expands across the world and then demanding that we all acknowledge and abhor the persecution they have had to suffer because of the decision they made to eat too much or exercise too little.

If raising awareness then speaks to the educating of the population on the correct use of language when speaking with an LGBTQ person, or on better methods of how not to offend such a person accidentally when communicating with them; then please someone tell me why?

The world has grown incredibly tolerant of such alternative lifestyles over the past decade. I was recently watching the show "friends" on Netflix and it was stunning to see how many gay jokes there were. There was plenty of homosexuals around at the time Friends was big in the US, and yet I don't recall the show getting banned or sued for intolerance. In fact, it was one of the most loved shows of all time.

Was this because there was no homosexuals around to get offended by the show? We know this is certainly not the case. I even recall watching "friends" once with my uncle who is gay. Did the gay jokes on the show force me into intolerance? No. Tolerance for homosexuality came naturally to me, just as tolerance for any human being's differences does as you get to know them and appreciate what they have to offer besides their differences to you.

The irony here is that I was far more tolerant of gay or LGBTQ persons before a political agenda was established that attempted to force tolerance down my throat. That is something no one should have to tolerate.

Why the movement is counterproductive to the supposed cause

If you want others to see past your differences so that they will look upon you as simply a human being rather than focusing on whatever it is about you that is not like them, then the very worst way to go about that is by shining a torch on the aspects of you that distance you from others.

So how does the LGBTQ community find the acceptance they supposedly seek by reminding the world at every chance why they are not like anyone else? How do you prove to the world that you should be treated the same as everyone else by demanding to be treated differently than the rest?

The true accomplishments of the movement

If I approach a woman in the street and before even saying hello, I tell her that I really like to have sex with women, I will be slapped if not arrested for harassment. However, if I walk up to the same woman and say that I really like to have sex with men, I will likely get told I should be proud.

If I go and get a few of my friends and we all strip down into our boxer shorts and march down the road, slowing down traffic, and proudly informing the world that we like to have sex with women, how long do you think it would be before we were arrested? But if we did the same thing in rainbow coloured boxers and spoke about how we like to have sex with each other, more brightly dressed individuals would join in and the police would tell the traffic to find another route because we are proud and entitled to tell everyone about why.

If a man is drunk and irritating me at a club, and after trying to avert a violent situation, he tries to push me and I punch him in the face knocking him to the floor, I might then be charged - likely a small fine - for this if arrested. Yet if the same situation transpired only the man in question believed himself to be a woman, and was dressed as such, I might serve actual time for a hate crime.

That's not to mention other ridiculous consequences of this movement such as people being charged and employees being sued for not utilising the desired pronoun, which I consider not too dissimilar from me throwing a tantrum because someone didn't refer to me as "your Highness." Then there is the MMA fighter who was a man at birth, but changed to a woman and then went around kicking the living shit out of women in the cage.

The LGBTQ have accomplished a great deal in regards to changing society and how LGBTQ people are treated. But rather than seeking for equality, they have sought to be treated better. They are more worthy of admiration for their bravery in accepting their difference- something that millions of people do every day. They are of course worthy of more sympathy for the bullying they have to suffer in light of a choice that they were permitted to make- something else millions of others also suffer on a daily basis.

The true agenda is revealed by the true results of the movement

When a community is willing to close down public roads to allow a smaller community within that community to dance half naked in a street party which is about how proud this community is to a part of the smaller community as opposed to the larger one which will have to endure the complications that arise because of said street party, then this is not only tolerance, but extreme tolerance.

When a man who is under the impression he is a woman is able to win the "woman of the year" award, that is not only tolerance of transgenders, but extreme tolerance.

When homosexuality and transgenderism is more popular on our televisions than outside our windows, that is not only tolerance, nor is it simply extreme tolerance, but a very clear attempt to promote the life style.

Why would they promote the lifestyle though? A conspiracy theorist might say that they are normalizing the upgrading of the human body to make it easier for us to accept mechanical upgrades in a cyborg future. Or they might say that it's about depopulating the planet by having a large portion of us turn away from natural procreation.

Perhaps these play a role in it. I do not know. But I believe an agenda that is definitely playing out here, and why the LGBTQ movement has had so much support that this entire month has been dedicated to it by a US president, is the same old agenda that has been rinsed since the beginning of managing populations; divide and conquer.

The main lesson taught by the LGBTQ movement is how to find and promote your differences. But of course it also teaches us how to look upon our own personal burdens as more important than any other groups.

If you are a lesbian, a gay, a transgender or if you are questioning your sexuality, then that is entirely your prerogative and you ought to be able to make that choice- it is your life after all. But instead of joining a club so that you can raise awareness about how shitty things are for you and those who have made similar decisions to you, why not go out there and start a new movement, one that needs no title other than, "the movement," and one that seeks to raise awareness of the fact that every single one of us on this Earth suffers. Everyone of us has challenges we must face based on decisions we did or did not make. Why not make yourself a part of a movement that seeks to remind all of us of our similarities and of the power that we would have to effect lasting change on this world if we could only transcend our labels and arrive at the conclusion that we are all humans and that everything else is in our heads?

I would be very happy to stand with a homoseuxal on my left and a transgender on my right at a protest that was about protecting everyone's rights.

A few words about children

I do not want to speak much in this post about whether homosexuality or gender dysphoria is a naturally occurring human characteristic or whether it is something that is learned by observing other humans- on television or in the world. That as an entirely different and expansive topic. But, I want to briefly say that I do believe that for the most part, modern homosexuals or transgenders are as such because of their environment and not because of their biology.

For this reason I think it completely unethical to be promoting homosexuality, and especially transgenderism, to children. This world we have created is confusing enough for a child without us then putting it into their minds that they may not be the gender that their body informs they are. Children are incredibly impressionable, they must be, for that is how they quickly adapt to whatever environment they are likely to grow up in. And if that environment is sending people who are confused about their genders into schools to speak to the children about the options they have that were previously unknown to them, how can this be regarded as anything other than child abuse?

We need to be more responsible. If one cannot see that inserting into the mind of a child the belief that their body may not truly be their own will most definitely cause some level of body dysphoria, and thus is likely to manifest within the child later as confusion, then one should not even be permitted to speak in the presence of children, for they clearly do not know how to avoid causing harm.


This movement is dividing us from one another, damaging the minds of our children, teaching people how to get offended at things they have no right to be offended by, and drawing attention away from the suffering of millions of others that could use our help.

To all who have labeled yourselves within the LGBTQ community; I encourage you to abandon your movement and pick up the fight for humanity, rather than continuously demonstrating your desire to be on a different team. That is how we find tolerance, by looking through our difference and unto the common ground we all share.

Thanks for reading. If you have any other topics you would like to hear my opinion on, just let me know in the comments and if I have one, I shall share it.

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Well written my friend and some great points! I feel that the LGBT movement is being used as a pawn by the powers that be to further destroy the natural God given structure of our families. I treat all people equal regardless of race, sex etc and have high respect for many LGBT in he community. However - First it was an attack on Fapa Bear. Then they took mama bear out of the house and away from her cubs. Now the LGBT is used to further the agenda and attack on the family structure. Also more singles out there, less babies being born a depopulation affect that will spread into the workforce. We are all given trials and struggles in life. If homosexuality is ok then we should accept the behaviors and rights of the polyigamist or shoplifter alcoholic etc. They may have leanings that way and may have been born that way even but that does not mean they should act on them. We all have crosses to bear in life. Bearing them allows us to grow. Giving into them only stumps growth. Please know I have worked with them and am not a hater. Many have been clients and co workers for whom I highly respect. Thanks.

A whole month for less than 1% of the population. Tolerance, they want tolerance. How about they tolerate straight people and their own personal opinions and views and quit being so sensitive and easily offended.
I think there should be an awareness month for people with foot fetishes, excessive nose pickers, fart smellers, glue eaters, crayon chewers, adult babies, all these people deserve more tolerance don’t you agreee 😉

How about they tolerate straight people and their own personal opinions

This is a funny observation, because it's ironic as fuck and impossible to disagree with.

You made so many other valid points I just had to pick one.
I totally feel it is a divide and conquer tactic. Get us all fighting amongst each other while they pull the rug out from under our feet.

They can organize one if they want; you would be surprised how many already did.

Because there are still people, like you, that do not understand that LGBT+ people´s lifestyles are as diverse as lifestyles of straight people.

Because there are still people that murder LGBT+ people just because they are not straight. There are still families that abandon their children just becasue they are not straight.

About children, all scientific evidence supports the biologic origin of LGBT+. Education is important because some children feel different at very young ages and it is important to tell them we will support all of them no matter neither their sexual orientation nor the gender with which they identify themselves.

Because there are still people, like you, that do not understand that LGBT+ people´s lifestyles are as diverse as lifestyles of straight people.

For me, this argument encapsulates the divisive nature of the movement. I in fact - if I am understanding the use of diverse in this context - consider everyone of us to be as diverse as each other. The label LGBTQ+ need not play a role in this at all. By saying "this group" is as diverse as "this group" all you are doing is driving a wedge between the two groups. But if you simply say, we are all as diverse as one another, there is no groups. Only a lot of individuals who understand how much they have in common.

Because there are still people that murder LGBT+ people just because they are not straight. There are still families that abandon their children just becasue they are not straight.

In my life I have known two school children who committed suicide. I do not know anyone that was killed for being non-hetero. Therefore, I think it probable that far more children commit suicide as a result of bullying than LGBT+ persons who are murdered for their sexual or gender orientation. My question would then be, why does this group not rally for the plight of these bullied school children? The fact is, LGBT+ is a hate group that is anti-heterosexual. You can get into this group, as long as you are not straight. So the LGBT+ community only cares about bullied school children if they are not heterosexual.

In the West, where the LGBT+ movement is most prevalent, LGBT+ people are overwhelmingly accepted. Far more so than people born with ginger hair in the UK.

About children, all scientific evidence supports the biologic origin of LGBT+.

This sounds like a brazen lie, but if you can provide this science I will be very curious to take a look at it.

Education is important because some children feel different at very young ages and it is important to tell them we will support all of them no matter neither their sexual orientation nor the gender with which they identify themselves.

This is the logic of someone who has had their opinion given to them. If you had thought about this honestly I do not believe you would be advocating for this treatment of children.

Children are very impressionable. They have to be, for in their youngest years they are learning who they are through the observation and interpretation of their environment. Thus, it is expected that during those young ages the child will experiment with who they are. But, in the past, if a young boy were to put in his mother's high heels and go walking around, the family might laugh and then inform the boy that he is a boy. Now, because of this movement, the child is told it's okay, you can be a woman if you want. Why don't you try on these ones too? But this only exacerbates the confusion.

If a child started thinking they were a dog or some other sort of animal, which I think happens more often than them being confused about their gender, would it be right to encourage that child to be a dog if that's what they want? Would you encourage them to do so? I really hope not. Because a child is not a dog, and a boy not a girl.

This to me is child abuse. As a parent, one's job is to help with your child's confusion. Not nurture it.

In my life I have known two school children who committed suicide. I do not know anyone that was killed for being non-hetero. Therefore, I think it probable that far more children commit suicide as a result of bullying than LGBT+ persons who are murdered for their sexual or gender orientation. My question would then be, why does this group not rally for the plight of these bullied school children? The fact is, LGBT+ is a hate group that is anti-heterosexual. You can get into this group, as long as you are not straight. So the LGBT+ community only cares about bullied school children if they are not heterosexual.

Translation: Because I'm ignorant of it (and probably insist upon remaining so), it must therefore not exist.

Your experience is not the sum total of all human experience. Anecdotal, at best.

LGBT+ people would be quite content for you to stop obsessing over their preference for sexual partners or what bits of fabric they wear. Accusing them of being hate a group is not only hypocritical groupthink, it's known as "projection" in psychology.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For me, this argument encapsulates the divisive nature of the movement. I in fact - if I am understanding the use of diverse in this context - consider everyone of us to be as diverse as each other. The label LGBTQ+ need not play a role in this at all. By saying "this group" is as diverse as "this group" all you are doing is driving a wedge between the two groups. But if you simply say, we are all as diverse as one another, there is no groups. Only a lot of individuals who understand how much they have in common.

Read again this paragraph of your post.

If raising awareness then speaks to the educating of the population on the correct use of language when speaking with an LGBTQ person, or on better methods of how not to offend such a person accidentally when communicating with them; then please someone tell me why?

So you do not think that is important, but at the same time you judge the way I express myself? Isn´t that a bit hypocrite ?

My question would then be, why does this group not rally for the plight of these bullied school children?

That is not a valid point. Whole humanity does not have to focus in one single problem to solve it, defending LGBT+ rights is not detrimental to fight bullying. In fact, LGBT-phobia is one of the causes of bullying.

This sounds like a brazen lie, but if you can provide this science I will be very curious to take a look at it.

Some genes along with some hormonal changes during pregnancy are correlated to homosexuality. Stress during pregnancy and the number of older male brothers are correlated to homosexuality in men. And these are only some examples.

If a child started thinking they were a dog or some other sort of animal, which I think happens more often than them being confused about their gender, would it be right to encourage that child to be a dog if that's what they want?

Transgender it is not a confusion about what a people think it is. They do not think their gender is wrong, they feel it. They are women inside men bodies and men inside women bodies.


Well written. I don't have much to add. I don't look at people and have skin color, hair color, sexual preference, nose length, etc dictate how I treat the person. I try to view people by their actions, and what they choose to share of themselves in terms of their mind an personality. If they can think for themselves I'll likely have a level of respect, and possibly admiration for them even IF I don't agree with the thoughts they may have voiced. I don't actually pay attention to those other dividing things until someone chooses to highlight it.

For example if I speak to a black man without even considering his skin color and I disagree with something he says because it makes no sense or has flaws in my opinion then in these days I'll often be countered that I am "racist" and only then will I look and think, oh, he has black skin, we can't challenge people with black skin, they get special consideration which leads me to the idea of what is racism? Special consideration. So generally the people throwing the label racism are often these days the actual racist in the picture.

This applies to LGBTQ, Religion, etc. I find it interesting that people that challenge Muslim ideology are often called racist, when that has nothing to do with race. Islam is not a race.

Yes, you're right. I realise, thanks to the way you put it, that in each case it is really nothing more than the art of misdirection. Throw an outrageous accusation at someone, attacking their character, and any observers(which would include the subject's own rational mind) will no longer be paying attention to how irrational the position is.

Once you’ve got a flag and are marching down the street in costumes, your group has definitively succumbed to evil.

I know they picked the month of June because it was in June in the late 60s when a bunch of cops in New York decided to raid an underground gay club shooting up the place like the BlueIsis thugs they are killing several of them. An early mass shooting.

I want to know why T is in LGBT?
And which T is it.

LGB are sexual perversions. They are a mental problem/wiring difference. They are mentally not normal.

T is a physical difference. And usually, they are very manly men or womenly women, who cannot reproduce. They do not share (for the most part) any of the sexual perversions of the other letters.

T (the other T, Transvestites) is not a sexual perversion either. It is an appearance mental difference. And most of them do not share any sexual perversions with the other letters.

So, why is T in the LGBT?

This has been asked by many "T's" that i have known.

Surely if you consider homosexuality to be a mental problem, then you would also consider confusion over what gender you are supposed to be one? In this light, the T would make sense.

Well, my experience with Ts is that they are not confused.

Its like the extra chromosome makes them even more to one end or the other. Manly men and feminine females.

(and to make clear, i do not mean "mental problem" as it is all in your head, and all you have to do is change your mind. But it is a thing that changes all of your thoughts when you think about sex.)

My main concern is hearing from Ts saying, why have they just assumed the voice for us? Why did the LGBs lump us in with them?

Well it wasn't me that coined the term "gender confusion." I was under the impression that was one of their own.

But considering what you are saying, that makes perfect sense within the context.

This is exactly what needs to happen though. Feminism seemed to die down a bit when women started speaking out against it. If I have spent my time well here today, then perhaps this post will inspire a lesbian, a gay, a transgender or otherwise to speak out against the movement.

That will 1379832893 times the impact that a heterosexual male's opinion could possibly have.

According to psychologists and scientists homosexuality is not a perversion or a disorder.

Only to appease the feminists. Who have been trying to rewrite biology for a while.

Homosexuality is the definition of perversion.
And that does not equate, at all, or in any way, to a disorder.
Or make it bad or wrong.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have heard some very unscientific aguments from feminists about many things, but homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders due to hard science.

"Perversion"; has negative connotations in our society.

"All the gay men you know" is not hard science. I am sure no one is immune to politics however removing homosexuality was a highly unpopular move and I commend them for utilizing actual science and not caving into pressure on this point.

According to your previous argument calling homosexuality a perversion does not make it bad or wrong, but by definition it does.

Homosexuality was removed due to LGB activism, not hard science. Such as, all the gay men i know have had a serious problem with a woman earlier in their life. Of course, it is not all nurture, there seems to be a lot of nature in it to, as in they are predisposed to not find men repulsive. There is no hard science in this area. It has all been tainted to prove the LGB approved narrative.

Sorry perversion has a negative connotation. So does anarchy, capitalism, communism...

Psychopath was removed from the DSM5, although it was a very clear definition of an extreme narcissist. Again, politics over science.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

People are still being beaten killed and rejected by their families for being homosexual. If LGTB people want to organize a month for themselves you cannot really stop them; from my experience they are great at organizing. And you cannot say they do not stand for other things; Last year many pride parades turned into pro immigration parades.

I understand that people can be to sensitive sometimes. But I guess the question iso; are you "offending" someone, or really hurting them?
While I think offending people is something to be avoided; I rarely swear and try to dress appropriately. It is much more important to be kind than be polite, sometimes it is preferable. You really have to let people laugh at things; it helps them deal with the changing world and grow accustomed to it.

Genuinely hurting someones feelings is not something most good people want. It is always good to treat people how you would want to be treated. Sometimes I just have to ask myself; is it really worth it to say what I am saying?

Kids seem to learn everything from Tumblr these days good luck with that.

I think you made some really good points here. It's a shame that you - who is apparently all about kindness - could not resist trying to offend me, or at least paint my position an uneducated one - in your closing sentence.

Such immaturity really detracts from the second and third paragraphs which I had just been nodding my head throughout.

And though I suspect you're already completely aware; I do not even use tumblr or twitter or facebook or any "please look at me" economies. I think you are being dishonest with yourself if you cannot see clearly from the post that I have given this an awful lot of thought. If I had not, I would not even consider myself entitled to an opinion on the matter.

People can be informed of every single thing that has happened regarding the LGBT community, and yet still never have stopped for a second to reflect on the information they are repeating. This is the case for most unfortunately - in my opinion. For it is too hard for me to believe that someone who wants to be seen as an equal could repeatedly make decisions that seek to divide if they had given those decisions and the belief structures that brought them to those decisions any level of scrutiny.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes text can make things come out in a way I do not intend. Just view my last comment as a reaction to our crazy world not yourself.

But to what particular decisions are you referring?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

There's a larger lesson for you in this flag.