in lgbtsteemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


Have been daily on Steemit for a while and haven't yet found any LGBT+ Posts.

Your sexual orientation it is just a small percentage of who You are. But I guess in the times we live it is very important to talk about what is going on in the World.

From this moment on I am invested in finding more People that belong to the LGBT+ community. Being part of the community it doesn't mean You need to be talking about related LGBT+ themes all the time.

We are just People.

Straight People don't have the need to get out there and say they are Straight. It's sad that for so many People being Straight it is still a normative. But enough of this... We have time to talk more about it.

Let's get to what brought us here. Where are all the LGBT+ Steemit Bloggers?

If You are part of the community please leave a comment. Say hello and introduce Yourself.

We don't need to know Your orientation, who You Love or feel sexually attracted. There are so many other interesting things about You that You can tell us.

If You are part of the community comment with the hashtag #lgbtsteemit

This is just the beginning there are way more to come... So keep Your eyes open.

(Images Source: Google - licensed to be reused)


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I have seen some around, but it's not something I've actively been looking for. I'll talk to anyone :)

YESSSSS that is the way to go. Because a Human being is a Human being. All it matters is Love, Respect, Comprehension, Good Heart. To me there are so many more important things than just Your Sexual preference. :D

Hi @sergiomendes. I'm not part of the LGBT+ community so as a result I tend not to pay too much attention to one's orientation (unless the subject is sexuality, of course).

Instead I look for other common interests that would attract me to a person or their blog. One such person who wrote a neat introduction post about urban farming caught my eye enough to FOLLOW him.

He did point out that he was in a same sex marriage. You may want to check him out at @brimwoodfarm.


Yeah. I understand. I will check him to see what he blog about. But I hope You still part of the community as an "Ally" 💪🏻 Ehehe I have a post about that. Because in my opinion Straight People are also part of the community ♥️

Thanks for the kind words friend. I'm happy to be a part of it then... :)

Hi Sergio. I'm a blogger who is bi but I haven't really started talking about that aspect of myself yet on here. I'm glad to find your blog and I appreciate your effort here in bringing people together.

So nice to meet You. As I said this is not only about to talk LGBT+ issues. if You are in the community You are more than welcome to use the hashtag to use the hashtag on your posts. That way more People on the community will be able to find Your posts and show You some Love. I am going now to check Your blog and see what You are all about in here. As You said this is all about bringing People together :D

I understand that you are encouraging me to tag my posts with the #lgbtsteemit designation, and I am tempted. I want to support your cause to make more normative most all sexual orientations and facilitate a community where like minded folks can find each other, but I have these other thoughts on all of this that I need to work through. I'm going to share more of this comment as a separate Post to my own page as a work thru and to share with my own followers.

I guess my first question is, what is our goal in revealing our sexual orientation via the #steemitlgbt? I think you stated that your intention was to bring together a community where like minded or like oriented steemsters can find each other. I get that. There's certainly value in community and so far steemit does seems a bit like a great heteronormative-gender-agrees-with-their-birth-biological-identified wonderland. So to facilitate the connection of folks that otherwise feel like lonely outliers...I adore the hashtag idea. 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️

If part of the intention is to normalize and De-stigmatize sexual orientations beyond hetero monogamous relations, then part of me wonders...why toot our own horn no matter which team we play for? Can we perhaps level the playing field better by ignoring orientation, accepting everyone, and celebrate living our life however we choose? Am I doing more harm than good by revealing which team/tribe I happen to be born into? Does my reveal unintentionally imply support for one sexual orientation over another, and thereby inadvertently fuel the perceived divide? These are the things I think and over think. It's my gift and my curse.

But I also see the other side. The non-heteronormative need a damn break from feeling like ostracized outsiders, and those of us willing to come out as "hey, I'm just over here doing my thing. I'm a healthy functioning human like you, although not hetero, and today I'm writing about anxiety, crypto, photography, cooking...(whatever) anything besides the frustrations and lamentations of being nonhetero or non-binary." In other words...I'm human too. With the same hopes and dream, struggles and troubles as any other. This approach could help humanize "the other."

So I'm on the fence. I see both sides and the pros and cons to each approach. I am leaning towards supporting your tag and full personal disclosure though, because I believe, through experience, in the healing power of #nohiding.

Let me think (overthink 🤣) some more. Thank you for triggering all of this for me today. 🙏🏽

were You inside my brain when I was thinking before I do my first post. :D I Understand and agree with everything You said. That's why I said that the goal of using the hashtag is not for You to come out and tell everyone what is your orientation. It is more than that. As You said in here it is more about to be able to find other People that are maybe living the same struggles and talk about that issues. Make friends. I will also be making about "Allies" and I think that is going to be an important post when it comes to make a point of why this is important. Because with the separation of the community it my be something negative and that is not what I want. The point is that one day there will be no need to talk about this "distance" between LGBT+ and Straight Worlds. That's why the Allies are so important and one day we can just BE.
But I totally get Your point and understand where You come from and where You head with Your point of view.
Also I have written that no matter if it is a post related with LGBT+ or just a crypto currency You can use the hashtag if You are part the community. That way when I look for LGBT+ People I can see what they are all about (even not knowing, or really caring where in the community they are inserted). Does it make sense?

😂 I wasn't in your head (really funny that you used that expression because that's something my Man calls me out on all the time... "quit being in other people's heads and trying to control outcomes! Just be you!!" He's always saying to me. 🤗)

It all makes sense. I get it. I'm still not sure if I will use
The hashtag all the time, because sometimes others are more relevant to my posts and we are so limited here to only 5. Also because while I am part of lgbt, that hot topic is just not my core issue/greatest advocacy calling. My calling is supporting and encouraging folks in to living with more authenticity . So whether being authentic means coming out as far as sexual orientation, pursuing a crazy dream, being slutty and sexual...whatever you are at the deepest part of your gut - that part of ourself we are tempted to hide - embracing and BEING that is what I cheer. Maybe I should start a #authenticitysteemit 😉

Love what you are advocating and working towards here. And that you are revealing and pursuing your truth as you encourage others to do the same.

ehehhe that is really funny. But yeah I am not using the hashtag in all my posts either... because otherwise it will be flooded and we don't want that either. There is is much about us than just our sexual orientation. :D ohhh by the way. Happy Bi visibility week :D

Not seen discussions or the tag here but for sure support you on that one!

Yeah I have "created" the hashtag and I hope more LGBT+ Bloggers will find it and make a good use of it. ❤

You are the first blogger I have read talking about this. It is cool that you bring it up. It is very rare that you haven't seen someone either because the main community on Steemit is the English one and, you know, it is not that difficult to talk about LGBT+ in comparison to the Spanish one (where I mostly belong 'cause Im from Latin America). I really would like to see this content more often, so good for you to write about it :)

Ps: Sorry for my English I'm not used to write a lot in this language.

Go #lgbtsteemit !!

It is alright I understood everything no worries. My english is shit as well. It is not my first language eheheh. Well I don't know what about other People but at least I will be doing more posts related with the LGTB community and I will be using the hashtag. So if You want to keep You eye on it just check the hashtag from time to time. Also I hope some more People join me and bring some more cool and interesting things to the table. I will be doing another post tomorrow to see if I can reach more People. :D Thank You so so much for taking the time to show support and write this lovely message :D

Awww I know what you mean. I have many gay friends and they always say that straight people don't really need to go out and tell everyone they are straight.

Perhaps there's a sub community here? I really hope. It can't be all straight here, I doubt it.

Well as I said on the post I have now the mission to take the Flag out there and see who is part of the community. Support them and create good content :D That is all I care about. We are all together as People :D

Hey, I'm a bisexual blogger! :D

YES! :D Glad to see more People from the community in here! I will be checking Your blog. Also feel free to check the hashtag from time to time and use on Your posts! That way People can find You and show some love. :D I will be using the hashtag and creating more posts to keep people updated :D Nice to meet You

Pansexual, transgender blogger here :) #lgbtsteemit

Glad to see You are here :D When are You going to start blogging more often? :D