Although it’s hard to tell if someone is lying to you, there are several body language signs that can clue you in to dishonesty. Here are five telltale signs that you’re dealing with a liar:
- Covering one’s mouth
This may sound somewhat counterintuitive, but when someone covers their mouth while speaking it can often be an indication that they’re not telling you everything they know. This is because covering one’s mouth subconsciously implies that there’s something more to what they are saying. Whether it’s outright lying or simply being tight-lipped, if you see someone cover their mouth during conversation you should proceed with caution. Another way to spot this occurring is they will often take a sudden interest in their mouth area either by often rubbing or drink fluid something that will cover the mouth from speaking.
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Touching their nose
Have you ever noticed that people often touch their nose when they lie? This is because humans have a reflex to cover their mouth and/or nose whenever we tell fibs. If you notice your business partner touch his or her nose, he or she might be trying to trick you. Of course, there are other reasons why someone might touch their nose—so don’t assume you’re dealing with a liar just yet! Instead, look for additional body language signs of lying.Too little eye contact
Whenever you are dealing with someone who's lying to you and can't make eye contact for more than a few seconds at a time, it might be because they're worried that their body language might give them away. Look out for excessive eye contact from both parties keep an eye out for the rest of the people, because if they're having trouble holding your gaze as well, they're most likely telling the truth.Touching the neck
In many situations, you’ll notice that liars will touch their neck as they tell their story. While there are many factors to consider when trying to decipher whether someone is lying, one of them is simply noticing if they touch their neck at all. Touching your neck can be an unconscious nervous tick that happens when you feel vulnerable and threatened, so keep an eye out for it next time you’re dealing with someone you suspect might be lying. The more often they touch their neck, or rub it in circles, the more likely they are to be lying to you. It’s not always going to work perfectly, but it’s still worth paying attention to how often people touch their necks during conversations with others.
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- their uncomfortable
If you know what to look for, you can see subtle signs of dishonesty in other people. One telltale sign is discomfort are fidgeting in their chair, or touching their hands in a self comforting manner. Another sign of deceit is excessive grooming, such as adjusting clothes that are already straight and neat. Someone who isn’t telling the truth will often try to make themselves appear more put-together than usual.