Global cough cough warming, climate change lol and the alternative view! Greta look the other way!

in liars •  5 years ago  (edited)


Had enough of hypocrisy yet?

Little Greta the screaming 15 year old, refused to fly, so took a boat, the boat produced during manufacture, more carbon emissions to build than a flight, and the people that sailed the boat - all 4 of them, flew home after! 4 flights for one entitled child to say "how dare you"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

This whole thing is so see through it amuses me.

Take electric cars powered by erm yep, electric, they produce the same carbon footprint as even a petrol car, due to power stations. My whole life after motorcycle racing at Grand Prix level, was in automotive engineering. It was all we worked on. The statistics are facts and can not be refuted!.

Now if you want a different view, a more (in my opinion, you can have your own) balanced view, there is a great book named The Skeptical Environmentalist, by Bjørn Lomborg, who was a? Left leaning professor who also used to support the mentalists at green peace. (then he spent 3 months researching it)

You can infect the minds of the many, but you will never infect the minds of free thinkers who are astute, technical, research and study!.

Have a superb week ahead, hope you enjoy the book and a differing view, one that "stops dead" po-lie-ticians taxing you more for nothing but fear, Remember it was the global warming before this, step back a few decades before and it was the ozone layer, do a further decade and it was global cooling, muppets the lot of them!

I had to lol edit this to put this in, see what you did, you stole her childhood pmsl.

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In theory, if we can move all power supplies to sustainable ones, then the electric car is could be viable. Either way, at some point we're still going to run out of fossil fuels, so we need alternatives.

Localising will also stop the need for people to constantly be using their vehicles, but so far it seems to be getting harder and harder to do that. Generate as much tax income as possible seems to be the order of the day.

Posted using Partiko Android

If it is "all" about carbon, producing anything including useless wind turbines, to produce said elsectric will produce as much carbon or possibly more, why did I say useless? They are next to impossible to recycle when broken and cost a small fortune to do so. That is if they even work in the first place

Canada is a prime example of the green lunacy, areas where they produce so called green energy pay substantially higher amounts for said energy. That I have heard first hand accounts for.

Browns gas is the way to go with cars, water for fuel, research it possibly, best known hidden secret within the car industry. (from an ex car engineer namely ME)

Rule of thumb, if po-lie-ticians or corporations make more money from it, do not believe it!.

So called climate change just another way to tax people more and restrictions on what we can do😠

Posted using Partiko Android

100% bang on point!.

...part of the "only I can't be inconvenienced" crowd, one boat ride was one to long for a

Extinction rebellion in the UK are still protesting, my mother told me last night the weather has been awful this year and cold, yet here we are with the lunatics still on the streets of London lol.