"Act Respecting First Nations" a ploy to further ghettoize the indigenous people.

in liberal •  3 years ago 


This is provided as a PDF by the federal government to explain the Act that took effect on January 1, 2020:

Key highlights: The Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families

• The Act respecting First Nation, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families (the Act) will come into force on January 1, 2020.

• This is a comprehensive reform of child and family services affirming the inherent right to self-government under section 35 includes jurisdiction in relation to child and family services, including legislative authority and the right to administer and enforce these laws. The purpose of the Act is to affirm the rights of Indigenous governments and organizations to exercise jurisdiction over First Nation, Inuit and Métis child and family services...

.. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1579468554846/1579468577638

In typical fashion for me I’m going to read this literature and speak my mind about it.

Spoiler alert: I hate this act and the ruling Liberals who were able to make it law only because they have what really amounts to absolute dictatorship over our parliamentary representatives and they run Canada by fiat from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Elsewhere in government literature respecting this Act it is claimed that 52% of children in foster care are indigenous and almost 40% of children who live in poverty are indigenous. This information is intended to persuade people that indigenous children should be returned to their families, “communities" and “culture”. Even children not on reserves should be returned to their reserves so as no longer to be part of the indigenous 52% of children in foster care.

But where do the majority of indigenous children who are living in poverty now reside? Do they not reside on reserves which are infamous for poverty, drug and alcohol abuse and spousal abuse, almost all of which is abuse by indigenous men on indigenous women and children living on these reserves? And are these problems not the cause of, or at least the major contributing cause of, the crimes which result in prison time for about one in three inmates of Canada’s prison system? And are these problems not the reason why children on these reserves are taken into foster care?

The members and officials of our Liberal government of Canada are, to my mind, quite extremely left-liberal culturally. They conform to the features of the most radically culturally leftist, or Culturally Marxist, ideologies which have been called “Woke”, a term that came out of California. When I receive an email letter from my MP, whose first name is Joyce, she puts her “preferred pronouns” in brackets after her name as if there would be any doubt in the minds of anybody who sees my MP in person or a picture or video of her that she is in fact a woman. She has to give me permission to call her “she”. She’s not a “woman” because of physical reality but only because she “feels” that she is and “identifies” as a “woman”. If she were a transexual she’d still be “she” if that’s the “identification” she “identifies” as. If I were to slip up and call “her” “him” because of “her" obviously male physical presentation –despite lipstick and a dress – God help me the law will not. If Joyce had a beard and demanded I call her “She” reality would not help me not to be hauled up before one of our Human Rights Tribunals and fined for “misgendering”.

I find this annoying and offensive because it is a subtle way to coerce me into accepting the proposition that the sexes are “genders” having nothing to do with sexual, biological reality. Which means these terms are mere titles chosen by self-“Identification" and not the biological facts I and everybody who lives in reality know them to be. This is a cultural disposition which the members of our ruling Party are enforcing upon us all in a campaign of aggressive cultural revolution. Revolution? Isn’t that too strong a term? Look at the facts.

Bill C-16 of 2016 changed our laws and Constitution to make “discrimination" because of “gender Identity” prohibited. There was and is no definition of “gender identity” in this Bill C-16 because there can’t possibly be a definition of such a circular non-entity. In law right now, my “Gender Identity” is whatever I profess to “feel” that it is and I can haul you into court if you call me a pronoun other than I “identify” as. In the real world this is absurd to the point of insanity. But now it’s law because our Liberal ruling Party forced this law through Parliament with almost no opposition from any of the theoretical Opposition parties. The “Liberal" rulers of Canada are on a revolutionary crusade to transform even our thoughts to conform to their ideology.

This Act Respecting First Nations is part of that crusade. In the apparent effort to better the lives of indigenous children the Act further reinforces the ghettoization of indigenous persons by race. As citizens of Canada all persons of whatever race, culture, sex or creed have one vote in all our elections and are by definition equal before the laws and governments of Canada. If I believe I have a Christian culture or a Muslim culture or an Italian culture or a Swedish culture or any self-identified culture in this officially multicultural country that has no bearing on my status as a citizen of Canada. I have the protections of the law and rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Canada; my government is the one I chose by voting for it.

But if the government decide, or my “community" decides, that I have an indigenous “culture" because of my race that makes me different from other citizens. If I’m deemed by law to be indigenous my fall-back place of residence is a Native Reserve which is independently governed by whoever is designated to be the “community”; if I’m a child deemed to be of indigenous race this community now has theoretically enhanced powers to remove me from my off-reserve residence and return me to the reserve. This Act further strengthens this ghettoization by race. In the apparent effort to not be racist this act further divides the Canadian polity by race.

The government calls it “culture” but that’s only because they are determined to make what they fervently believe should be real, in their ideology of “social Justice”, real in fact regardless of reality. They want to transform factual reality to the point of extinction by the magic of wishing, legislating and forcing compliance in every word and every thought. Native Reserves SHOULD be good places for Canadian children to grow up healthy and, magically, they ARE regardless of the real conditions on those reserves.

To our present governing Party “there’s nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so,” as Shakespeare would have said if that lack of moral relativism didn’t get him banned from Facebook for violating its “Community Standards”.

There’s that word “community” again. It’s popping up everywhere. Facebook can call itself a community. So can YouTube, Twitter and Google. Anybody can be a community except for people like me who “identify” as un-differentiated citizens of Canada; we don’t get to be a “community”. Being a citizen is no longer good enough because those silly old-fashioned democratic laws we live by aren’t Woke enough. Yet.

But our laws are getting to be Woker all the time. A great example is the law that allows doctors to inject five year old children with anything Pfizer “identifies” as a “vaccine” without, or even despite, their parents’ consent. This is called the Infants Act. There’s pretty much one of these for every province. If you are under 19 you are an Infant and you get to give your “consent” whether you are 5 years old or 18, as long as the consent is not consent to have sex with an adult – that will have to wait for other legislation, I suppose. (There’s already such legislation in California, the Mecca of Wokeness)

The laws including Bill C-16 are already being enforced to prevent parents from objecting to their 14 year olds being sex-changed. At least one father was jailed because he objected to his daughter being given hormones he was officially informed would be harmful to her health and would sterilize her for life. So am I crazy to call our government violent social revolutionaries? Or are you losing touch with reality if you think they aren’t?

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