Mask Mandate and Language Competence and Performance.

in liberal •  3 years ago 


The "non-medical" mask is mandated today in public schools all over the world. Children's mouths are being covered. They are literally muzzled. Deaf children are especially crippled by this muzzle since they cannot see to read lips. Children who are struggling to learn to read, write and comprehend the American English language are also crippled. "Covid" is the excuse for it now. But this latest "Covid" dictate is the culmination of the assault on the independence of American children by dictatorial liberal do-gooders that has been developing for decades. Today racism imposed from above in the name of anti-racism has almost normalized itself as children are herded into separate groups to be used as a power base for race hustlers in high authority. Are you black or Hispanic? Join the "progressive" army against everybody who isn't.

There are many children in California especially who come from homes where Spanish is spoken so that when they are in school they are learning English as nearly a second language. Without the ability to speak correct English any person in the USA has limited job opportunities, that's reality. The first and most basic thing any young person in the USA needs to get and keep and advance in employment is to speak correct, colloquial American English. Spoken language is the means human beings have to communicate with one another as individuals; any other forms of communication are extensions of individual communication and as such become subject to the power of the group. What is the union of the United States? What makes every American citizen a part of this one group, this one American people? The American English language.

The English language is unique among world languages for having the largest vocabulary in the world and for its ability to absorb and use foreign words. This has contributed to the plain reality that English is now the lingua franca of the global business world. Like it or hate it, that's reality.
Sophisticated skills in the English language are key to moving up in the world, in business, in intellectual and media endeavours of all kinds. I have been surprised time and again to meet young people from all over the world who have and use perfect command of colloquial North American English. Where are you from, I would ask of this or that young student whose English was literally such that I couldn't tell that they hadn't been born and raised in Vancouver. Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, China, India, Germany, Nigeria ... name a country. Often there isn't even a regional accent to tell me where they came from. These young people have the power to move among the elites of the world. Who has limited ability to progress in life here and abroad? Those who do not have sophisticated skills in the English language.

When I was a young man there was a trend coming out of left-progressive circles in American universities to valourize the limited patois of US majority black inner city neighbourhoods as a new language. Teachers were being urged to teach this language in preference to colloquial American English. The only example I can recall is the substitution of the non-word "Jeet?" for "Did you eat?". University academics who in their private lives and in their scholarly work had and used the most sophisticated English were pressuring the educational establishment to circumscribe, limit, ghettoize American youngsters, cutting them off from the common American community in the name of "progressive" benevolence. Do-gooders were essentially corralling young people by skin colour into a "black culture" that these academic missionaries had largely invented. The considerable help of Hollywood was engaged in this invention of "Black Culture" beginning in the 1970s. And here we are today. The people of the United States have been divided and conquered and recruited into artificial sub-communities invented by "popular" music and films over the last five decades of liberal progressivism.

How does a person rise above and beyond the ghetto? Play basketball, form a rap group, maybe you can be one of the 0.0001% who get to make millions in sport or culture while your old friends are still down in the ghetto.

But what really enables, even empowers, a young person of whatever skin colour today? How does anybody advance in business from the ground up or really to advance in any area of endeavour you might want to apply yourself to? Be sophisticated in colloquial North American English.

Who are the people behind the ghettoization of young black Americans? They call themselves progressive, they enjoy the power of English while denying it to young people. Cast a cold eye on just exactly what these people are "progressing". They're "progressing" their own power.

Who funds BLM? George Soros. Consider that if you will.

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