I tolerate just about everybody. From Nazis, to communists, to leftists, to people who think that AOC has a room temperature IQ, I tolerate all of those people. I don't like any of those people, and I have no obligation to like any of those people. I don't respect any of those people, and I have no obligation to respect any of those people.
Even people who are attempting to actively abridge my rights to free speech, and to bear arms, and my rights to property, which are the rights I care about the most, I tolerate. I hate you. I hate everything that you stand for. But, I'm gonna use my words rather than my guns until you really force my hand.
My line of tolerance is drawn when it comes to actual violence, and shit that people wanna do to children.
Still, tolerance doesn't mean that I'm not gonna fight you verbally, or insult you. I tolerate a lot of people in the same way that I tolerate a crying baby on a plane, or a flare up of my eczema. I want you to go away, or get better; but, you probably aren't gonna go away, or get better, and I've learned to live with that.
The thing is that, what I just said, to a lot of younger people, would be viewed as conservative.
That's how far-gone the left is.
If we are gonna embrace this bullshit, binary political spectrum, I'm to the right of Bill Maher, and Sean Penn is far to the left of me; but, since I'm a liberal in the classical sense, I'm finding myself taking their sides more and more often.
Older liberals may not see eye to eye with me on economics, or gun policy; but, they tend to share my core value of toleration and free speech. They actually know what the word "tolerance" means while the younger leftists don't even know what the word "woman" means.
Perhaps I'm being cantankerous, and a grandpa who's pushing forty at the moment; but, you youngins don't even know what liberalism is.
Liberalism is about tolerance. The thing is, tolerance is hard, and uncomfortable, and requires maturity. Tolerance requires that you treat others better than you expect them to treat you. A real liberal will defend a person who would kill him given the chance.
There's a reason why people who would answer "liberal" in a poll inquiring as to whether the answerer is a liberal or a conservative have invented a ton of other words -- progressive, democratic socialist, green, etc. It's because liberalism isn't really on their radar. They just don't wanna be conservatives despite being far more conservative than I've ever been.