Who Am I???

in libertarian •  8 years ago  (edited)

My passions encompass libertarian, constitutionally conservative philosophies, inventing new and innovative forms of computer hardware and software technologies that aims to strengthen and enhance society and individuals.

You see, very early on in my childhood I was partly raised by politically conservative, Catholic grandparents that instilled in me Christian principles, morals and conservative thought processes. There was an era in my life where I was naïve and aligned more in terms of center-left liberal and social issues until I began to become self-educated about American and world history which were not my favorite subjects back in high school but in my late twenties I had questioned how my morals, Christian upbringing paralleled my thought processes concerning politics.

One might confuse my thought-processes as being fundamentally "anti-government" but I believe the bigger picture and certain details associated with truths are intentionally ignored when thinking this way.

I questioned, critiqued and conducted research on the claims and accusations made by both sides of the political spectrum and in so doing my Christian principles, morals and conservative thought processes guided and revealed to me that conservativism, libertarianism and constitutionalism had better documentation as being more honest, truthful, genuine and authentic and in line with my principles. Never have I stepped foot in a college classroom to achieve the immense understanding of American politics, economics and our foreign relations issues. I believe that self-education at ones own pace is the key to success.

I love my country as do so many other Patriotic Americans but I detest the path in which particular groups of people within Washington DC are driving my country. It is the road map that certain groups of people use that are antithetical to the individual American citizens' Bill of Rights and of overall human rights as well.

My reasoning capabilities stems from critical thought, logic and what factually makes common sense. Others have told me that my mind operates like a computer without the Binary Ones and Zeros; logical input and output derived from critical reasoning, common sense and educated historical patterns.

Enough about politics.

I am also a guy who loves to tinker with new forms of technology. To some I could be regarded as a "hacker" but without the malicious and illicit intent. I do have morals. Going back to my early childhood, I was always taking my toys apart to learn about their construction. Toys that expanded my imagination by teaching me how to disassemble and reassemble my other toys were immensely powerful in my mental reasoning and logical capabilities.

Socially, I am more of an introvert. Depending on my thoughts and what is going on in my life I can bloom and talk about whatever is of the latest subject at the time. My challenges in engaging and retaining dialogue is open-ended questions. My mind has a difficult time formulating open-ended questions that engage people on conversations and keeping pace with the dialogue.

I can't think of anything more to write but maybe later I will return and update this so stay tuned!

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