Libertarians, The Last Stop Before Freedom?

in libertarian •  8 years ago 

America today is more divided than any other time in history. There are factions springing out of factions and every cause has a group. The full spectrum is on display from communist, socialist, black, white, hispanic, Christian, Muslim, republican, democrat, big government, small government, and everything in between. While on the surface all these factions seem to be opposed to each other to one degree or another yet when we boil them all down they have one thing in common. Every single one supports government. The only real fight they have with each other is who is going to control its power. What all these factions are really fighting over is who is going to force society to live like they want them to live? Enter the libertarians.

What is a libertarian? Just like the term “conservative” has become an all inclusive “big tent” and anyone who claims the moniker has no need to prove the unprovable so is it with the libertarian brand. If we look at the libertarian party we see it is a minarchist small government, support the Constitution, feel good party. There are also those “leaning libertarians” and the Constitution party along with their own advocate groups such as Cato, Hillsdale, John Birch, Heritage, and Liberty just to name a few. Libertarians believe in the Constitution. They believe that by using the political system they can return to the “original intent” of the Constitution. Libertarians, with exception granted, believe in the “necessary evil” doctrine to which all other factions fundamentally agree. I call it the “cats and dogs living together syndrome” where fear of the unknown creates panic and nightmares. Libertarians, in my opinion, are those people who claim the Constitution is the solution.

I must confess I once was a “libertarian” and a “defender” of the Constitution. I jumped in head over heals even going on the political campaign trail. Those of us who have furthered our knowledge often refer to our time as “libertarians” as a “train stop” on the way to the truth.
Libertarians are anarchist who are too afraid to live without a master. It is because of this “massa please” mentality and with it the consent to be ruled that makes them perhaps the most dangerous threat to freedom that exists in the imaginary world known as USA.

Libertarianism is the last step in the “deprogramming” process and is a critical time when one can and often do fail and continue to cling to the lie. Through the years I have witnessed this over and over again. I have many friends who have been “libertarians” for years and while we agree on almost every aspect, even a world without government, yet they continue to advocate the necessary evil which surrounds us. While other of my friends have left politics altogether becoming strong anarchists many others have been left behind.

The problem, the real danger, of this group is their whole platform, filled with beautiful thoughts hinges on a complete lie.

Libertarians provide a place for those disgruntled slaves whining about master’s whip. They are advocates of slavery as a “necessary evil”. They are the last train stop before facing the truth. Libertarians stand at the entrance to the tunnel, just where the light and darkness begin and end. They stand warning people not to go too far and to remain inside the protection of our tunnel. They warn of unknown consequences if we venture to far into the light. They are the last bastion of the consent of the governed.

Libertarians are still under the influence of the conspiracy and should be viewed as controlled opposition. As the number of Anarchist have grown so to has the number of “libertarians” however there does seem to be a great bottleneck building at the end of the tunnel. The conspiracy has certainly accounted and planned for just such a situation. The conspiracy is offering through libertarianism the false hope that the very thing that enslaves us can save us. It is ironic that unknowingly libertarians are the last gatekeepers on the plantation. Only time will tell if this bottleneck will turn into a flood.

Libertarianism! The last stop before seeing the light.

Even as our overlords are removing their masks libertarians are watching the last remaining shadows on the cave walls refusing to see it was all a lie.

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