To an extent, if you're gonna associate with a group, you've gotta engage in house cleaning before you engage in recruitment.

in libertarian •  2 years ago 


I'm a libertarian.

I have to own the fact that Chris Cantwell, at one point, had some following among libertarians. I was a little late to the game in reading his bullshit; but, I was one of the people who called him out and disassociated.

I can't deny that Walter Block is a libertarian; but, he's made some bizzare statements. Sure, murdering somebody at a basic level is to steal a person's life. You can make a logical argument that, if we had prefect knowledge, and had the ability to transfer the life force of the murderer to the victim as punishment, we should do it. It's just a weird argument to make in favor of the death penalty in this day and age. We lack the knowledge and the ability. I think that we'll always lack the knowledge.

Block has also written some shit about women. I don't think that he's right about any of that. Even if he were right, I wouldn't want him to be. If women are only gonna date men who agree with them, I'd hope that women can be libertarians.

I have a t-shirt with Mises's face on it, and I've read Human Action. Still, Mr. Long took to the position that children can consent to having their genitalia mutilated to placate the academic mob, and was so triggered by my suggestion that we shouldn't engage in childhood mutilation that he decided to disassociate from me.

Obviously, my response was, "Good riddance."

There are bad people within every group, and the good people need to speak up from time to time.

You can be the wokest person in the world; but, if Jeffery Marsh, and his pledge to have "private" and "intimate" conversations with children is something that you'll passionately defend, while you'll remain silent about a Muslim woman being doxxed for saying (almost) exactly what I just said about Mr Marsh -- you're doing no favors for your cause.

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