Letter to a #faketriot

in libertarian •  6 years ago 


I don't care if it's your insane police, your illegal border patrol or your crooked mayor. Everything you say to defend their crimes is a lie and I will love you enough to say it aloud. No such authority was ever transferred to the government. All peoples rights are the same and the Constitution forbade because you never had the authority to give it. They are terrorists and to cover it up, you project their crimes on those you hate and replace compassion with arrogance.

The law was to love our neighbor and our culture died the moment we stopped welcoming them with open arm, the moment we made nationalism our banner. Ignorance of history, morality, and the Constitution came next. You believed you could abuse those weaker; righteous because you were better. You called it freedom.

You are a religious fanatic who worships the State and offers tithes to #BlueISIS. You blame immigrants for your debt and failed socialism; then you rob the poorest for more only to blame them for your waste. You are a fascist who treads freedom like grapes in a press while your friends, the terrorists you cheer, rule by force.

Your soul is dark and your heart cold. You are the #faketriot and the #fakechurch, the robber and the blind. You have done all this in the name of the liberty you laid waste. Only judgment remains and if you do not repent, the poverty coming upon you greater than the widows and orphans you have robbed. Your worship of the State will not protect you and when they have run out of others to crush, they will come for you.

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Great rant Gav! Preach on! This is why I want to protest the 4th of July. To bring awareness to these facts. I don't know who you were writing this too but I hope it shut them up LOL.