RE: Gary Johnson Could Have Won His Senate Race If New Mexico Had Ranked Choice Voting

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Gary Johnson Could Have Won His Senate Race If New Mexico Had Ranked Choice Voting

in libertarian •  6 years ago 

Come on you're accusing me of gas lighting at the drop of a hat like a militant SJW feminist while making a case someone isn't libertarian enough? Why do you do this?

Yeah I'm with you all the way that Gary Johnson is not as libertarian as myself, but he's a lot more libertarian than, what would you say, 99 U.S. senators out of 100? And not just a lot more– like substantially a lot more. He'd at least be trying to get the U.S. and Americans out of these god damned wars.

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Perhaps your right, maybe he would get us out of these wars? Yet, what do you think the likelihood is that he would if he cannot respect individual liberty enough to allow people to choose what not to put in their bodies? Here is the vibe I get from Johnson, I think he's been recruited to run for the party as controlled opposition and he didn't do any of the required homework. If he would use force and allow government to vaccinate your children without permission at great potential risk.. Autism, Autism like symptoms, Guillain-Barre syndrome, narcolepsy and fainting sicknesses. If he'd be willing to do that then who is to say that he wouldn't change his mind on war or foreign entanglements? If you really do believe in Johnson and weren't trying to gaslight people with this post then I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Yet if you do believe those things I'd strongly consider taking a harder look at those things he did in the past. There is nothing libertarian about carbon taxes, mandatory vaccines, not to mention his kind words for Hillary. I think he's since changed his position on those for popularity's sake, but I personally think he's someone's sock puppet.

So you think someone like met with him and told him to run as controlled opposition? Who was it? Hillary people? Deep State people? How does that meeting play out in your head? What do they tell him they want him to do and what do they offer him? I love conspiracy theories.

I'd call it more of a hunch based on the fact that Johnson didn't seem to know anything about the principles of the party whose banner he's running under. I can't quite call it a conspiracy theory because in order for a conspiracy to take place the two would have to be planning on committing an unlawful act. This, at it's best seems merely a deceptive act.

Perhaps there is some illegal and undisclosed campaign funding but I'm not money smart enough to go down those rabbit holes. The ideas you mentioned seem plausible. I'd expect there would be secret contracts with non-disclosure arrangements laid out which specify exactly when the candidate will endorse the party member favored by the individual (or group) that's providing the funding.

Have you ever wondered if Ron Paul or Alex Jones was controlled opposition?

I haven't put much serious thought into it. Paul is known as Dr. No because I think for the most part his votes are always in line with the constitution and they keep pushing legislation that violates it. Jones seems consistent too, I don't think he could have faked his dedication for all of these years. 30 years and four hour radio shows, it would be ridiculous if he were. What say you, anything lead you to believe that they may be?

What if they were controlled opposition to diffuse the energy of dissidents into a political movement that would be going no where? Ever heard the theory that Jesse Benton is a CIA agent? Lol I love that one. Also–– Alex Jones did get a huge anti-government following, and now has them all supporting the president of the United States and eating partisan state propaganda right out of his hands. Maybe he did believe it all those years but sold out.

Jones' endorsement of Trump perplexed me too at first. However, considering how far radically left the country was moving and what was about to happen. I now see why he made the personal decision that he did.

The left is clearly working against America's interest in so many ways. Economically, and with respect to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. Remove all of those things and you've got a disarmed surf class who can't speak freely without the force of the State crushing them like a tonne of bricks.

Jones' has great power with his platform and I think he's trying to use that power as responsibly as he knows how. Granted, real libertarianism (not the Gary Johnson variety) is a more desirable outcome.

Yet if you think about it, in some ways many libertarians have infiltrated the republican party and I think they've resorted to this tactic because they know running independent has not worked historically.

It hasn't even gotten close to working since Ross Perot and they shook up the debate rules after he almost won leaving no room for the possibility for a third party to come so close to winning again. Even outside of those rules you've got the fourth branch of government and their bias.

If every thing we're cut and dry [ A or not A] that would be simple. Yet, I fear we're in more of a quantum quagmire and our best chance out of it may in fact be someone like DJT who has proven time and time again that he can operate in the clutch in ways that others simply can not.

None of that is an endorsement of Trump or Statism per se. He does however seem a bit of a rare bird. It's not like when Bush was running against Kerry and they are both skull and Bones members.

The media clearly hates this guy with a passion and I think it's because he's genuinely working against the money power who'd like to see this countries people further enslaved, disarmed and poor.

There may be no right or wrong way out of the muck and mire that this country has gotten itself into. Maybe there is many ways to achieve it, maybe there are none. I found it a pleasant surprise that Trump at least thinks for himself on many of the issues and isn't an empty suit or someone's yes man.

Sure, all of these points are debatable. Yet, I think some of the greatest mystery's of why presidents do what they do when they take office is because of contract law and preexisting agreements that cause them to be bound into entangling alliances that they may have not been privy to prior to having won the office.