The Government is can't simply go away, can it?

in libertarian •  7 years ago 


@adamkokesh believes it absolutely can, and I couldn't agree with him more. Time for a #finallyfreeamerica

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name one time in history where it has.

Tyranny has existed since mankind has, liberty is still a relatively new philosophy in the grand scheme of things. The revolutions in technology, I think, will prove in time to be exactly what we need to facilitate a stateless society.

does that mean it's never happened before but if you wish rilly rilly hard it might happen this time?

It means if you notice that the direction technology is heading, you don't have to wish. We're finding new ways to replace the government everyday. It's something that can't be stopped.

you reckon that guberment is just going to sit there and let it happen?

Is there honestly a way they can stop it without banning technology in general?

I ask ask questions back.
tell me..DOES your hair dresser really know for sure?

My hairdresser is familiar with how indecisive I am lol.

is it real or is it memorex?

I prefer SanDisk😏

Most of human history didn't have central banks ruling the world. There, happy?

most of human history didn't have lite beer either.
or tampons.
does that suggest a solution?

Oh, you were asking for a solution? That's not the question I thought you were asking...

You want a solution? We move away from debt based currency. People stop using credit. har har When's that going to happen, right?! I know when it will happen actually. It is going to happen with this quadrillion+ ponzi scheme collapses. Then people will be forced to walk way from the current system.

that stateless society. idea isn't a new one if I recall.
Didn't some dude name of Karl write a book about it...

about a hundred years ago?
shouldn't it be kickin' in real soon?

If you really believe Marxism could really lead to a stateless society, then you live in more fantasy than I ever could.

english isn't your mother tongue is it?
you need to work on comprehension some..

No sarcasm is my native tongue.

needs some work.

It depends on what you mean by government. Central banks are the real government right now. Dissolving the "federal government" will do nothing to them too.

Banks only have that power due to cronyism and protect from the Federal government. Take away those protections, centralized banking fails.

They are the government. What you see as nation state's governments are all illusions. Central banks, the BIS, etc. actually control nations and their militaries.

Which is why they and government fear cryptocurrencies so much.

Agreed. I still believe it could be a trap though. The government (banks) control the transfer from crypto to cash and back. They can make it illegal to purchase or cash out crypto at any time. We do not have the entire crypto process setup yet either.

What would the price of crypto be if you could not cash it out? Would BTC still be worth thousands each? I don't think it would be. Most people accepting it accept it to exchange it for USD or some other fiat.

I love the idea and own many crypto, but it is one basket/hedge of many and always will be a limited amount of my wealth. I just don't trust it and doubt I ever will fully. Smart money buys low, secures their investments, and walk away with other people's money.

It's the same as it always has been.