If you're not customer-centric...

in libertarian •  8 years ago 

Found this on the interwebs today. It reminds me that someone recently called me "pro-business." I responded by saying that I'm not pro-business. I am pro-consumer, pro-free market. Huge difference. I am not a proponent of using government cowrcion to prop up failing businesses that rip off consumers. For instance, I am against the taxi cartel. Free markets inoxerably brings competition and creative distraction, to the benefit of consumers.


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It's amazing how I read the pirating of music and movies keeps going down with services like netflix, hulu, spotify, pandora. Amazing once you realize people don't want to steal, but won't pay for something they don't feel should cost that much.

Interesting take on the subject. I agree with your view on Amazon.. Innovation is bred in these types of situations. The people almost always comes on top

Couldn't agree more. Uber and Netflix alone have radically changed my life for the better.