Politicians, Bankers, and Predators --- They are all one and the same

in libertarian •  8 years ago 

washington dc.jpg

The News Program 60 Minutes - has affiliate programs in both the UK and Australia. This story - which aired on 60 Minutes Australia - would NEVER show up on 60-minutes USA.

As you watch this, consider the following conclusions drawn in my book "Chase The Rabbit," about the US economy, the economies of the other Industrialized nations, and the concept of "Globalization:"

Most people, even trained economists, have not connected the dots on how our current economic model - based mainly on the ideas of the most influential "economist" of the 20th century - John Maynard Keynes - has led the entire world down this path of basing our entire global economic model on a system of FIAT money. Every industrialized country in the world abandoned the Gold Standard, either during or shortly after WW-I.

Prior to WW-I - Germany was the most productive and most economically powerful country on Earth. The Versailles Treaty ended all of that when under the terms, Germany was forced to pay "reparations" to the victors in Gold Bullion -- impoverishing Germany and leading to the Hyperinflation - that led to the rise of the Nazis and ultimately right back into war.


John Maynard Keynes was one of the Architects of the economic bases for the Versailles Treaty. Later, during WW-II; it was the Bretton Woods Agreement under which all currencies of the allied countries were "pegged" to the US Dollar - which was still functioning on what was called the "Gold Exchange Standard" (as distinct from an actual gold standard -- which FDR ended in 1933). Again, Keynes was one of the principal architects of Bretton Woods, although he capitulated on its terms - as he pushed already then to establish a single, global, FIAT (debt-based) currency. Nixon finally rescinded Bretton Woods i 1971 removing the US Dollar from the last vestige of the gold standard altogether, and global hyperinflation has been the result.

So, why are we seeing more news stories coming out about "Pedophelia" related to the Clintons and "The Lolita Express," for example. Why are we seeing more and more links between powerful politicians and pedophiles? This seems rather odd?

Or does it?

The one common denominator that has led the entire world down this destructive path of debt-based FIAT money, fractional reserve banking, etc. -- was John Maynard Keynes. Our entire system of governance in America has in fact been corrupted mainly to ensure the continuance of our UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal Reserve system, a system that is indeed a product of Keynesian and Marxist economic philosophy.

A little known and almost NEVER disclosed fact about Keynes, surrounds his personal hand-written diaries, which today reside in the King's College Library of Cambridge University - England (Home of the Fabian Socialist Society). Keynes's diaries provide a detailed chronicle of his sexual exploits with boys and young men over the course of his life.

That's right -- the most influential economist of the 20th century - the man on whose perverse economic ideas our entire system is based - was indeed a pervert in every sense of the word. A sexual deviant and admitted pedophile who was most certainly mentally ill – and whose ideas have driven the middle class of All of Europe and the United States into a system that guarantees sustained poverty, and a life of perpetual - inescapable debt servitude.

Central control of the means of production (land, labor, and resources) is the definition of Socialism. A system such as ours, where all money is created as a debt instrument - controlled by an aristocratic Central Bank - and enforced by a corrupted government - is the very definition of central control authority. And is this not what a Pedophile really is ? A sick, twisted, pervert, seeking to control others in order to enslave them ? Whether having your way sexually with a defenseless child to rob them of their innocence -- driven by some sort of perverse degenerate mental deficiency and need to control and manipulate the innocent----- or having your way with an entire population by controlling their very economic livelihood in order to rob them of their property and labor -- driven by some sort of perverse need to control and manipulate others -- the source is the same. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely -- but power itself - ATTRACTS THE CORRUPTIBLE. John Maynard Keynes's perverse ideas are what have led the entire world down this selfdestructive path of a CONSUMPTION - BASED growth model for our economy - fueled by debt-based money - as the means to enslave the entire middle class. Indeed - only a sick and twisted pervert who gets his kicks out of molesting little children, could devise something so sinister as the corrupt global cabal that has enslaved all of us under inescapable debt. Think About That

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Absolutely wonderful post! We need to continue exposing these creeps! I'm with you and following
