What is freedom?

in libertarianism •  9 years ago 

We continually cling to it, we continually want it, but do we even know what freedom is, or what it means?

I continually see people fighting for it every day, they call it Libertarianism, Liberalism, Anarchism...
They all mean the same -freedom- yet they're always perceived differently.

Some see it as freedom from outcome, others see it as freedom toward opportunity.
With every mix in between anyone can be an anarchist, a liberal, or even a libertarian, because who
can be against freedom? Only their perception in the moment can maintain any principles, but like a feather in a breeze so suddenly do we forget.

Chanted over and over, Libertarian, libertarian, libertarian,.. a new mantra for a religion.
Less state intervention, we certainly need that everyone chants. Everyone can join our party.
We'll figure out how to distribute freedom later, but right now we just need you to keep chanting it.

Freedom, freedom, a utopian vision.
The numbers grow and grow, but do they know,
what freedom means to be?
So soon I became a classical me.

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