The Pervy Guy at the Door

in libertarianism •  8 years ago 


Imagine for a minute that your favorite bands are doing a local show. A promoter picks up the event and arranges a venue. You buy your tickets, and you're super stoked to get to finally see your favorites in concert. When you arrive at the venue there is a pervy guy at the door giving people to choice of being groped or showing him their naked body before they are admitted entrance, occasionally he'll even take someone's wallet. The whole time this is going on he'll have the audacity to tell people he's doing them a great service by keeping them safe. What would you think? What would you do? Most of us would be outraged. Some might even call the cops.

This same scenario happens all across the United States in airports day in and day out except instead of a concert promoter it's airlines and instead of going to see a concert you are going to take a flight. The state has made themselves a participant in this exchange without the consent of the passengers or the airlines and we are expected to thank them for "keeping us safe" while they rob and molest us. This is the insanity that we face today in the "Land of the Free."

Think about it.

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woah! real talk. This got me thinking.