Falling short and missing the mark

in liberty •  7 years ago 


I fell short.

In frustration I called a statist a parasite.

Really, he is much much worse than a mere parasite. I was being gentle. But I still shouldn't have lost my composure with him.

He was making the argument that a cop was right to ticket a man who didn't have a front "license plate", and that the guy deserved it because he broke the "law" and was being a jerk to the nice cop- who then lost his temper.

I had nicely pointed out that such a "law" is counterfeit, and I asked where the cop got this supposed right to stop and molest people over a bit of metal, and where the State got the right to require you pay for and attach this piece of metal.

The guy started in with saying "we" have a Constitution and "laws" that we are required to follow, and ... "we"/"our" "society" "social contract" blah blah blah. He was justifying every kind of law, and any amount of violence to enforce them, with his superstitions and collectivism.

And this was in a liberty-oriented, individualist group.

I should have just walked away and ignored the vermin. But, no, I called it a parasite. Which is true: all statists are parasites to some extent. But it's probably not helpful (in most cases) to point this fact out to them.

So, yeah, I failed. I strive to do better next time.


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People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use...
Great inspiring article and logical also @dullhawk

Does my authority as self-appointed Steem Pope allow me to grant absolution to such sins confessed on the blockchain? If so, absolution is granted. Copsuckers are truly a trial, but such is the cross we must bear.

"I should have just walked away and ignored the vermin." Yup...

There should be a good correlation between law enforcement with law breakers, law enforcers do not arbitrary. In violation of legal law must also want to improve themselves if it is guilty..
Like @dullhawk

In that case i too falled short of my targets.

this is very inspirational column