How's the view down there?

in liberty •  7 years ago 


While ostriches don't actually bury their heads in the sand, most people do. At least figuratively.

It's much more socially acceptable to bury your head in the sand than to speak up and say "No, this isn't right. Good people don't support this!"

How do I know? Because I live it.

No, I don't go around handing out unsolicited advice. Usually. But there are lots of things I won't condone when it seems everyone else is on board with it. Refusing to support these activities or people doesn't do much for one's social standing.

At least almost no one ever asks me to praise kinderprison staff, "the troops", or law enforcers anymore. Almost no one ever tries to convince me of the usefulness of a "law" these days, or why more are needed. And that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

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It's much more socially acceptable to bury your head in the sand than to speak up and say "No, this isn't right. Good people don't support this!"

It's always been my talent problem!
The number of friends I have keeps getting less and less to... I wonder if there's a correlation...?


Most of the people bury their heads in sands out of compulsion I guess. Once you start speaking about the cruelties, you are labeled a traitor.

I usually hit a dead end when I dare to suggest that democracy is not virtuous, legality does not define morality, majority rule is coercion, and government represents only the political class rather than the general populace.

Being right is lonely when everyone around you is attached to being wrong.

The sad truth is, if you spoke with someone about whether it's moral to use force and violence to get what your after they would agree w/out skipping a beat. Yet, if you help them follow that thought all the way up to their local gov't, some kind of bizaro switch is flipped and all of the sudden this idea of using force is not only good but required. The indoctrination is truely amazing, not in a good way. Just end them off with the task of getting to the bottom of how the gov't has the jurisdiction to govern their actions. HINT: It doesn't and never has.

Yeah, It's preferatable for people to bury their heads in sand and stay quite than to intefere in the activities of others and be a judge.