Why Choose: The Left Nut or The Right Nut?

in liberty •  9 years ago 

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Why Choose: The Left Nut or The Right Nut? When you can have the JOHNSON.

You guys think he will be able to make the debates? That would be huge just for spreading the ideas of Liberty.

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A libertarian in the debates would be a fantastic way to introduce the mainstream to the libertarian party! I'd love to see that happen. I've voted libertarian since I began voting. I almost drank the Trump Kool-Aid this year but I'm now 99% sure I'll be voting Johnson2016

Who knows with all of Hillary's skeletons, and Trump's wackiness the libertarian guy, might have a legitimate shot! Not to mention people may actually find the libertarian stand on many issues refreshing. "Let's give freedom and liberty a try, because whatever we're creating now, sure as hell doesn't seem like it's working anymore!" Here's hoping!

"The Left Nut or The Right Nut? When you can have the JOHNSON."

Because I don't want to get the shaft.
