18 is 6+6+6. Unvax Lives Matter. Many of the homeless in Austin, Texas were actually activists who were not homeless. Big special on Jan.6 will be premiering on television tomorrow. This is going viral. They don't want you to watch this. Crazy things are about to happen, it is all a distraction, I am warning you not to fall for it. John Pierce established the NCLU to counter the ACLU which is a paradox by the way. The ACLU is not really the ACLU any more than the Patriot Act is really an act to help patriots. The Patriot Act hurts patriots. That is called a contradiction. The ACLU is not what you think it is. Hundreds of people were put in pretrial holding cells for Jan.6 in 2021 but they were not charged with insurrection. They're waiting for trials but are not being charged with what the fake news is saying. It is theater. It is designed to make you think those people did bad things when they didn't. They're trying to block the public from seeing the footage from the security cameras, camera phones, etc. Some of it was purged off the Internet because they don't want you to know the truth about Jan.6.
You Killed Yourself
If you got the c00v11d-v4ccc!!nnne, you will be getting sick with blood clots which is what then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You need to write a will and say goodbye to your loved ones as you will likely be dead before 2025. Also, you are spreading it to other people. You became a super spreader. You made one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make in your life. You were warned. Good news is you can warn others and encourage them not to make the same mistakes you made. You can also try natural remedies in an attempt to counter the crazy ARE-ENNN-AYE you put into your body which is changing your body and especially your !mmmm.unnnnneee-5y5t3m. 18 is 6+6+6. So, we sell our soul to Satan when we become 6+6+6 to do anything we want at that point. We worship 18.
Lady Liberty, the statue, aint no lady.
My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-18 - Friday | Published in June of 2021
Knight Templar is inter-religion.
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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You Killed Yourself
2021-06-18 - Friday - 12:21 PM - Covid Log - Gab | Facebook
If you got the c00v11d-v4ccc!!nnne, you will be getting sick with blood clots which is what then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You need to write a will and say goodbye to your loved ones as you will likely be dead before 2025. Also, you are spreading it to other people. You became a super spreader. You made one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make in your life. You were warned. Good news is you can warn others and encourage them not to make the same mistakes you made. You can also try natural remedies in an attempt to counter the crazy ARE-ENNN-AYE you put into your body which is changing your body and especially your !mmmm.unnnnneee-5y5t3m.
09:01 PM
When you tell me put my mask on.... 😂🙄
I tell you to show me where in the bill of rights it says I have to comply to “tyrannical laws” included in an illegal mandate... the emergency declarations ended 60 days after it started...
I’m Also medically exempt from making my body sick by wearing a mask forcing me to breathe in My own CO2... What do I have!?? oh you want a doctors note!? Sorry Not Sorry- I’m Protected BY HIPAA..... I DO NOT CONSENT .....
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Oatmeal Health
05:43 PM
Facebook Message
I was in FB jail many times. I was helping my parents with their gardens here near Seattle. Things similar to your photos but not Aeroponics. Strawberries, potatoes, peas, cherries, mint, tomatoes, etc. So, I was only making a vague comparison. I do like the idea of vertical gardening. It is something I should try.
10:44 PM
15 year old high school student exposes critical race theory and liberal indoctrination.
Truman Show
It's easier to fool a fool than to explain to them that they've been fooled. They can't censor us all!
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Physical 101
2021-06-18 - Friday - 01:06 AM - 01:42 AM - Physical 101
Story centers around a woman who is in a bad place in her life in 1981. It fast forwards to 1986 where she is doing aerobics videos as a star on television or in videos. That is how it starts but then it goes back to 1981 to begin the story in 1981. SHe sees a younger Asian chick who must be in her 20s. But she is like in her 40s or older. Oh, her husband got fired. Her thoughts is the narrator. She is hard on herself regarding dieting, exercise, habits, choices, deadlines. She eats a bunch of burgers all at once. She spent all her savings on food. He wants to run for politics after getting fired. She sees this woman in a car as she buys all this fast food. She goes to spend the last bit of her money on food one last time and she sees the chick in her convertible. So, she drives after her. She follows her into a mall and into the back of some store to where she is leading a group in aerobics. She dances with them, she falls in love with her and with all of it, and then she falls over and people wonder if she is dead or not.
2021-06-18 - Friday - 01:45 AM - 02:14 AM - Physical 102
Got a lot of money. Surfers. Science. Global warming reference. Bank. Scared. Husband following the wife for fun.
2021-06-18 - Friday - 02:15 AM - 02:48 AM - Physical 103
She takes classes. She teachers her own class. She makes some money.
Ron Gibson
Many of the homeless in Austin, Texas were actually activists who were not homeless.
Big special on Jan.6 will be premiering on television tomorrow. This is going viral. They don't want you to watch this.
Crazy things are about to happen, it is all a distraction, I am warning you not to fall for it.
They are preparing to stage events while taking out key leaders. The summer of 2021 is full of surprises. We must be warning each other each day. Any second, you will hear crazy news breaking. They're painted into a corner like a wild animal. So, they are already announcing on television what their plans are. We already know what they're attempting to do.
If you got the c00v11d-v4ccc!!nnne, you will be getting sick with blood clots which is what then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You need to write a will and say goodbye to your loved ones as you will likely be dead before 2025. Also, you are spreading it to other people. You became a super spreader. You made one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make in your life. You were warned. Good news is you can warn others and encourage them not to make the same mistakes you made. You can also try natural remedies in an attempt to counter the crazy ARE-ENNN-AYE you put into your body which is changing your body and especially your !mmmm.unnnnneee-5y5t3m.
Ron Gibson
John Pierce established the NCLU to counter the ACLU which is a paradox by the way. The ACLU is not really the ACLU any more than the Patriot Act is really an act to help patriots. The Patriot Act hurts patriots. That is called a contradiction. The ACLU is not what you think it is.
Hundreds of people were put in pretrial holding cells for Jan.6 in 2021 but they were not charged with insurrection. They're waiting for trials but are not being charged with what the fake news is saying. It is theater. It is designed to make you think those people did bad things when they didn't. They're trying to block the public from seeing the footage from the security cameras, camera phones, etc. Some of it was purged off the Internet because they don't want you to know the truth about Jan.6.
Ron Gibson
Governments are announcing MATRIX-PODS as the new PRISON-SYSTEM for those who speak up against them. This is what they're starting to do. The Matrix movie from 1999 was simply a Pentagon plan. The Internet was a DARPA plan by the way. But back to the Matrix thing, it is important to understand that we can simply shut up and let them continue to enslave us. The choice is up to you.
Unvax Lives Matter
The plan is to starve you so you will volunteer to hand in your guns for a little bit of food. It is not that they will take guns from people but trick them into giving up the right to bear arms in order to get some money and some food.
We have to pay 20% but they pay 0% and that is not fair.
Ron Gibson
10 steps of genocide picture on Facebook.
Shaking My Head Productions
The female Statue of Liberty is male Attis.
Outline of the life of Attis.
Lady Liberty, the statue, aint no lady.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD) by the Beatles in 1967.
Laverne Cox not only aint no woman but has one too.
A real woman has hips, curves, you cannot hide them but you can cover up the fact you have none via camera angles, baggy clothes, etc.
18 is 6+6+6.
18 is 6+6+6. So, we sell our soul to Satan when we become 6+6+6 to do anything we want at that point. We worship 18.
Beauty & The Beast is the story of Seduction and Chimera.
Beauty & the Beast is about a girl named Bel, also known as Baal, also known as Moloch.
Beauty & the Beast, the girl is BEL.
Nimrod was the first post-flood emperor. Ham's wife inspired him to study the mysterious Egyptian religion and pre-flood pyramids. Ham's wife was a descendant of Cain. Nimrod established a state religion, conquered at least seven cities, and got them to build the Tower of Babel. Nimrod, after he died, were confirmed by his priests as a god but only known to the public under pseudonyms such as Apsu or the water Poseidon god (The Little Mermaid), Marduk, Astarte, Enki (wisdom), and Baal or Bel which means master or lord. The Greeks associated Baal with Hercules... Triton... Meri-Baal meaning Lord of the Rebellion (Lucifer).
The sixth letter in the Greek alphabet is Zeta and/or S or Stigma (a mark or slave-stamp or Apostle-Paul-Scar) which is a symbol of the Serpent which is an emblem of the Sun god; connected to purple (which kings wear); the third eye (tree of the knowledge of good and evil which Satan tempted Eve with, not to be confused with the fountain of youth); the money symbol, $. The list goes on and on.
It appears that the Temple of Solomon is an independent sovereign entity as of 2013, they have a website and official documents stating that they're back after so many years.
Catholicism has a root in the Temple of Solomon, the original Masons or Free Masons, the Illuminati, namely in the worship of a female component of God but specifically in such a way as to minimize male elements to the nature of God, the theology of who God is in an overall sense. The worship of Mary is problematic in that it undermines God The Father with Mary The Mother. In some ways, they were the original feminists. To take it a step farther, Lucifer died his hair purple and said, "I identify as Mary, a female with boobs." God was like, "Not in my house, get out of here." A third of the angels decided to change their gender to lizard-people and followed that hoe down a hole, and the rest is history, thee end.
Eve ate the fruit and begin thinking, "I don't have to be a housewife. I want equality. I'm dying my hair purple. I want to get paid just as much as Adam. I don't have to be his slave. I can be his equal. Better yet, he should pay me money for all the stress he gave me my entire life, all 36 hours of it. I've lived a long life, it's time justice is served. I wonder how many genders there are? 72 genders? Maybe more. Adam takes too many risks in his life. We need more security for our future children (whatever that means since I've never had a baby before). We should elect that Serpent as manager of our estate. We need more safety. I do want to be like God. Wait, I wonder if I could be God. Oh wait, God is male is he not? Does God think he is better than me? Why can't I be better than God? I would have made a woman first instead of a man. What was God thinking? God has a lot of explaining to do. Well, I will put Adam in his place. I'm glad I listened to that Serpent who said exactly what I wanted to hear and it felt really good when he said it. I need more of that feeling that I get when I'm near him, it's like I'm getting high or something. I'm addicted to his muffins, I mean mojo, it's intoxicating."
The Templar formed a treaty with Islam in 1192 AD.
The Templar has a relationship with the United Nations (UN).
The Templar received Pontifical Protection and Full Communion from the Catholic church back in the 12th century.
Dualism is a lie that originates with Satan, it is highlighted in Star Wars by stating that both the Jedi and the Sith are bad and that the remedy is in marrying both good and evil together as a Ying and Yang. The truth of the matter is that we see evil but we can ask God to help us seek after what is good. But they try very hard to have us believe that we must have both. Yes, we have both but evil is still bad. Yes, evil is part of life. But evil is still bad.
The Statue of Liberty and the Olympic Flame both have something in common, that torch.
The owl represents wisdom and connects with Baal.
Madonna Song
There are around 6 million members of the Freemason and that may include some of my relatives, ancestors, etc.
They want you to hate the bad lion so you will then run to the good Lion King who is actually bad too. But that is part of their deception as they try to control the narrative, both sides, as they try to steer you towards what you think is the remedy but what is in fact a trap.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
2021-06-18 - Friday - 01:00 AM - 01:04 AM - The Gift 101 - Not in English
Physical 101
2021-06-18 - Friday - 01:06 AM - 01:42 AM - Physical 101
2021-06-18 - Friday - 01:45 AM - 02:14 AM - Physical 102
2021-06-18 - Friday - 02:15 AM - 02:48 AM - Physical 103
Prager U
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Shaking My Head Productions
Dear diary, got up at 10:20 AM. Greenhouse. Plants out. Oatmeal cooking to 11:00 AM or so. Honey in it. Cooling down. Weird dreams but I forget now. Sunny hot day already. Mom got up around 11:00 AM. Helped carry canned jars to the front garage. She showed me how to service the new water distiller. She got some honey in the mail this morning. I saw 2 smaller squirrels this morning. Watering strawberries, mint, the stone cans, raspberry garden plants. Breakfast, 11:55 AM. Mow lawn. Front. Back. Weeding by cherry tree. Mail. Hot day. From 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM. Shower. Laundry. Lunch, 05:33 PM.
Food log
Breakfast: oatmeal with honey which I made, 11:55 AM.
Lunch: noodle casserole soup on meat, 05:33 PM.
Dinner: salad, milk, 07:38 PM.