RE: A Simplified Taxless State: A Proposal (part one of three)

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A Simplified Taxless State: A Proposal (part one of three)

in liberty •  9 years ago 

It seems to me you are missing something fundamentally important: the fact that there will always be unfortunates. There will be sick, alone, old, and unemployed people, who are going to be unable to pay their living expences (including any land taxes) because they have no income. What about them? Do we want people begging and dying in the streets?

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This will be covered in part two and/or three. Basically, the Hayekian-Friedmanian UBI model. That's why a citizenship register remains necessary.

When all but the bare essentials are no longer stolen from the people, and the state does not have the "responsibility" to take care of unfortunates... people will do what people naturally do: take care of their own. Unfortunates will get far better care and protection when the people around them have not been robbed and beaten into the mode of barely surviving themselves. Think tithe. It is natural and God's law to take a portion of your sustenance and contribute to "the storehouse"... this means taking care of people around you. If reduced to a dollars and cents example... we might contribute $100 directly to help, as opposed to having $100 stolen from us, used to pay a whole chain of bureaucrats, leaving $1 to actually provide aid to the unfortunate. The State is NOT the answer, it is the problem. You can not justify initiating force and intimidation to steal from peaceful people under the pretext of helping people. Total nonsensical garbage. It's time for something better.