I like many other people Just hope to see Freedom, I just want to be free to live my life, I would say for starters how about the Freedom & Rights that were guaranteed to us by The Articles of Confederacy The Magna Carta & The Constitution of The United States… Wouldn’t that be nice.., I think it would be a good place to start. But The constitution wasn’t a document providing us with rights… it was meerly an innumeration of some of those rights which we as Human Beings are inherently imbued with, Natural rights… not provided to us by any other man or by any piece of paper but rights which we as Free Human beings are inherent by our very existence… They are given to us by no one & they can be taken away by no one because It is not a Natural state for Man to rule over other men.. Nor is it a natural state for a minority to rule over a majority, This is the inherent problem with the concept of Authority & Governance , The concept that one person or one group of people has more rights then anyone else, Are we not All Equal in the eyes of our creator… then what grounds has anyone to dictate & to command anyone else…, to hold people in bondage, to rob people, to establish rules about what a person can or cannot do, & to kidnap & murder in the name of authority? To hold another man against his will? Is this not a crime to natural law…
There was a time at the foundation of this nation when people tried to express this, when men & women who had fled from foreign lands to escape the tyranny of Empirical rule & taxation, to escape the tyranny of authoritarian theft , kidnapping & murder perpetuated by those who believed they had been born with a right to rule over other men.
I see in this time a threat to all life including mankind which stems from this same doctrine, from a belief that Some people can have rights that others do not, rights to impose their will upon others…
I pray that we as free men & women can awaken from our slumber & see the terrible danger we are in before it’s too late, I pray that we can live long enough that our children & our childrens children can know true freedom…
But I worry that this is a concept which has been forgotten & it will be a long & arduous struggle if we ever should hope to attain that which men since the very inception of government have only Dreamed of…
True Freedom..
Live Long & God Bless…