The Guy Fawkes mask stems from a loyal Catholic (Guy Fawkes) plotting to bomb the British parliament building, as the British had broken free from the Catholic Church’s centralized domination of their nation. Some people say "follow the money", but I also say "follow the symbology", as it too can reveal the motivations and "why" underlying certain movements, ideologies, corporations, nations, and what not. For kicks and giggles though, let's follow the money anyway, shall we? Ted Turner, the founder of the notoriously left leaning propaganda news channel CNN, owns the Guy Fawkes and NWO trademarks, which is quite telling, isn't it? Therefore, Guy Fawkes is more likely a symbol that stands for tyranny than for liberty; the devil is in the details, eh?
#guyfawkes #liberty #tyranny #cnn #nwo #symbology #resistance