Increase your LIBIDO safely and naturally!

in libido •  6 years ago  (edited)

Women tend to have more of a struggle maintaining a healthy libido than men. This is related to the function of the adrenals. Both men and women alike have over-worked, depleted adrenals as a result of our fast-paced, toxin-filled world. But, this doesn't affect men's libidos in the same way. Because women are the sex who give birth, their adrenals need to be in half decent shape in order for them to have a libido. This is because conceiving results in the birthing process which is very demanding and stressful on the body. So, if a women doesn't have adequate reserves and adrenal function, she will likely have a low libido - thus making it less likely to become pregnant and needing to give birth. She might even skip cycles all together. This is a built-in protection mechanism.

Women aren't the only ones who can benefit from adrenal health and nourishment, but, they do tend to feel it more, especially in the area of sexual health. So, what do you do?! Start eating more often! Not just any old snack you can find. A mix of fruits and veggies containing potassium, sodium and glucose is ideal. Below is a short, but sweet video on the perfect adrenal snacks to help get those adrenals (and libido) back on track. If you suspect your adrenals are quite depleted, try eating every 1-2 hours. I know it seems like a lot, but your adrenals will thank you and you will feel the difference pretty quickly.

When I was catatonically ill, I had zero libido. Makes sense, right? As I started healing and having more energy, any sexual desire was still pretty fleeting. However, more recently, I have had the energy to have a consistent yoga practice, garden, prepare food throughout the day, tend to others in my life and even travel! So, my libido, too, is on the rise which is great.

Just this past week, my husband, Chuck, and I have discovered that the stone opal can greatly increase libido. I have been drawn to opal lately for its various properties. Mostly because it helps to connect to unseen realms and with the development of intuitive gifts. So, I was looking to acquire one. We found a gorgeous opal ring while in San Diego last week. Since I had already found a labradorite and black tourmaline ring I wanted in this shop, Chuck decided he would buy the opal ring for himself. Within a couple days of him wearing it, we noticed this little device greatly increased his libido - which he definitely doesn't need help with! I suggested he stop wearing it. I started wearing the ring and vioala! It definitely kicked my libido a notch up. Pretty crazy magickal stuff!

Apparently fire opals are suggested to get the most benefit from this, which is funny because this ring has no red (that can be seen). Though there is plenty of purple present in it, and red is in purple ;)

Whether you are looking to increase your libido or not, I highly suggest caring for your adrenals in this stressful world. I also highly recommend utilizing the properties available via various stones and crystals. Just choosing some you feel drawn to or find pleasing to look at can benefit you. Happy healing. Blessings <3

The above info regarding women's sexual health and adrenals is taken from the work of Anthony William (The Medical Medium). If you or someone you know suffers with health issues, I cannot recommend his info enough. It has given me the tools to get my vitality and wellness back.
He also has several info packed, empowering books out as well

My name is Melina. I'm an Intuitive Healer who's been on her own profoundly challenging and intensive healing journey the last 2 1/2 years. Prior to this time, I was already very focused on holistic nutrition and natural healing modalities. But things shifted drastically after my communion with Mother Ayahuasca in the summer of 2015. I've since learned invaluable lessons about myself, as well as the nature of the reality on Spaceship Earth. As I was going through my trials, I knew the purpose was not only to heal my own and ancestral wounds, but also to prepare me to help support others in their healing process. Through working with my Shamanic Healer, a Somatic Experiencing Therapist, my Intuitive Health Practitioner, and many other healers, I have compiled quite the tool chest. My most recent discovery was the Medical Medium. Much of the diet related suggestions I give come directly from him - as he has helped restore my physical health. Other than authoring Steemit articles, I'm an artist, an advocate for personal sovereignty, and wife of the amazing Chuck Williams (Dash Digital Cash UI/UX Tech Lead). As I continue to heal from chronic illness, I'm working more and more at being an Intuitive Self-Development Adviser (a label I hope is descriptive and clear about the gifts I offer in supporting others). May you find value in what I share here. Blessings on your healing journey. <3

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Healthy and useful

Lately, I started noticing that I have low sexual desire in the bedroom because of relationship problems and stress. To be honest, it embarrasses me very much, and I am even a little bit ashamed. Because now I prefer to have much less sex with my partner compared to how it was before. At first, I didn't even know what means to use to increase this feeling. Then I was told that there are special supplements women sexual arousal supplements that will increase the sexual style, which works as a libido booster and helps women. As soon as I started using this product, I noticed that my hormones were balanced, and now I feel ten years younger. This product helped me. I don't even know