12 lies in 44, resp. 3 seconds, can anyone beat that? flight-175

in lies •  8 years ago  (edited)

Flight 175 (yeah, the one that should've hit WTC building)

Count with me

0:10 - Airplane profile doesn't fit civil plane

0:10 - Area around edge of wing removed

0:11 - Wing disappearing again

0:12 - Airplain behind smoke and goes deeper

0:14 - Part of airplane goes behind, part above the smoke (animator probably cannot decide)

0:16 - Left wing goes behind the building although building is deep behind the possible range

0:19 - Smoke is over, where is front of the plane

0:20 - Something cut my wing

0:25 - Aircraft disappearing in a building without any collision

0:27 - Left wing and tail is disappearing (front still missing)

0:28 - No comment, this is real magic

0:48 - Ending with explosion like in second-rate movies is a must

Total count is 12 lies in 48 seconds, i.e. lying rate = 0.25 lies per second, not sure if anyone can ever beat that? I have bad news. It can.

This sequence actually took just about 3s with real-time speed. True lying ratio here is unbeliveable 4 lies per second.

You can check the video and maybe you will even find some more

If we can buy this, we can buy anything

And no, lying is NOT cool.

(Especially when taxpayers money is used to pay these lies to cover killing and cheating)


  • Video is fabricated
  • Video is fabricated in very amateurish fashion
  • Aircraft type doesn't fit
  • 3D properties don't fit
  • Mechanical properties don't fit
  • Collision properties don't fit
  • Explosion doesn't fit

Only things that fit are time and place and that's really not enough. Next time, hire a better animator at least! But who knows, maybe no better animator wanted to participate on this crime. And that's probably the only positive output here.

Can we do something with that yet?

Yeah, support http://www.ae911truth.org/ or similar.

Thanks to everyone participating here and also kudos to the video creator.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-- Ephesians 5:11

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How can it possible 12 lies in 48 s. I am very confused. But your step by step telling like this.

Some people can do that as you can see and even more that that.

unfortunately this is too circumstantial to be taken as any proof.
the quality of the camera and other factors can also be the reason for the things you point to here

What do you mean? Like everything else on the video is fine except the artificial airplane and so we say a quality is an issue and therefore it is not unreliable? Doesn't sound very logical. From common security cameras, you have often much worse records and are usually ok for a trial. Moreover this is just one small piece in all evidence that can be used.

the quality of the capture (the image chip on the camera), the way it was saved (on tape), compression of the video and more, all contirbute to a reduction in quality and clipping errors that may explain those things as well as what you are proposing.
i think there are a lot of fishy things about 9.11, but this is wasted energy in my view. if you want to enlighten people and change minds it's better to focus on things that are harder to deny. like how building 7 went down without ever being touched by any terrorists.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sure, but compression cannot constantly change aircraft profile and it also it would not select specific places in moving object. It's not wasted time, more issues can open more eyes. Yes, WTC7 is the best place where to start and it's most evident place where the fraud is obvious.