Hung parliament in UK - A magical day

in life-isgreat •  8 years ago 

I didn't even consider a hung parliament. It was too much of a dream to even consider. The Labour party winning would have been alright, but the fact is the majority of them are pathetic deplorable leeches just like the majority of the conservative party. I hope this hung parliament further decreases any legitimacy of these criminals. It would be nice for the unelected Prime Minster to step down, but you can't get everything in life.

I'm celebrating hard today! I'm on a boat with some beers heading to Liverpool. The weather is beautiful. I ordered a blunt delivery on pier arrival; Liverpool's finest weed (my favourite). Going to party so hard today yo!

There are no lens in the glasses. They are there to distract from how off my face I will be in public later on this evening.

Have a great day! And don't stop believing!

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I am celebrating in my own way too. I wish May could be thrown out.

Full blown socialism or draconian internet regulation. Tough call.

Jeremy Corbyn's policies are not full blown socialism. He would be considered moderate centre left anwhere else in Europe, but in the UK we are so far nazi right, anything to the left is a communist baby eater.
It's not just the internet regulation that gets me with the conservatives who clearly do not understand technology with some of the things they want to do, such as remove all encryption... but the genocide on the disabled, failure to address the ever increasing homelessness situation (it costs us (the taxpayer) more to keep them on the streets, than to house them), dismantling of our NHS, etc etc ad infinitum nauseam.

The ghost of Thatcher is alive and well.
Good luck.

Thanks! I don't think her ghost is with us. Despite what people think of her, people can agree that she was actually intelligent, and knew what she was doing, good or bad. It cannot be said the same for the current bunch who have lived in such a luxurious bubble they don't even know how the world operates. Most of them have essentially inherited their positions from their parents. That combined with the dumbing down of schools since the 70s has given us idiots who think they are the best for the job because they have it.

I'm proud of you, son

I was twice your age before I figured that out.

Yeah when I saw the exit poll last night I got excited, I have been hoping for a hung parliament and that we can get our country out of May's grip, her policies are truly frightening.

We cast our votes, we did what we can do, now we have to pray for another leader who has half a clue, though Im not sure where we can find one...

Interesting times for the UK. Apparently there is still a Brexit going on according to May.

I did not think that Brexit would stop either way, but she is clearly delusional or surrounded by yes men who shield her from reality.

It seems so to me as well. Lets see what this all will bring.